No. 151, Meilian Xia Village, Meilian Community (near Meilian Border Guard Police Station), Yazhou District, Sanya, Hainan, ChinaView Hotel Details
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Sohere Seaview Boutique Hostel Guest Reviews
Very Good
321 review
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Guest User
Superior Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Sep 2024
Solo travelers
1 review
Posted on Nov 10, 2024
the room was spacious and very clean. the team was very cheerful and helpful even though I didn't speak Chinese. the hotel is very well located, just in front of the beach and faces west and the sea. You can admire the sunset from the rooftop and in the evening see the fishermen returning from fishing.
Response from Property: Dear guest, Thank you so much for your kind words! We are overjoyed to hear that you had a great experience with us. Our team always tries their best to make every guest feel welcome and comfortable, regardless of the language barrier. It's wonderful that you liked the spacious and clean room as well as our prime location. The beautiful sunset and the sight of fishermen returning are indeed special. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future! Best regards.亲爱的客人, 非常感谢您的夸奖!听到您在我们这里度过了一段美好的时光,我们感到非常高兴。您喜欢宽敞整洁的客房和优越的地理位置,这真是太好了。美丽的日落和渔民归来的景象确实很特别。我们期待未来再次欢迎您的光临!
Superior Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Jun 2022
55 review
Posted on Jul 25, 2022
This is a really great hotel... clean and
modern! The owners are a family that is very friendly and helpful. The area is remote, away from most development, so it’s really
peaceful to walk on the beach without any crowds. The walk to the east around the rocks is fantastic! If you are
looking to “get away from it all”, this is a perfect spot!
Response from Property: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您下榻我們酒店,並用您的寶貴時間與我們分享您的近期入住體驗。為您提供完美舒適的入住體驗,是我們的義務。您的評價對我們的酒店是至關重要的,我們堅信每一位客人的住宿體驗都是值得我們去分析,去改進,去更完善,使我們接待的每位客人都能滿意,不斷提高每位客人的入住體驗。同時我們也很榮幸為您提供最優質的服務。非常期待您的再次光臨!
Superior Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Jun 2022
12 review
Posted on Jul 5, 2022
Everything was great beside the cleanness of the rooms. First night, my husband's side of the bed smelled like pee, second night, shower room was all sandy.
Best sunsets!
Response from Property: Dear guest, thank you very much for staying at our hotel and for taking the time to share your recent stay experience with us. It is our duty to provide you with a perfect and comfortable stay experience. Your evaluation is very important to our hotel. We firmly believe that every guest's accommodation experience is worthy of our analysis, improvement and perfection, so that every guest we receive can be satisfied and constantly improve each guest experience. At the same time, we are also honored to provide you with the best quality service. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Guest User
Deluxe Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Nov 2023
Business travelers
5 review
Posted on Jan 2, 2024
I don’t know why this hotel has such a high rating on Ctrip. The room is too old, the paint on the door handles is peeling off, and the balcony, bathroom, and kitchen and bathroom are full of dust. The environment really does not match the picture. We did not turn on the air conditioner. , I don’t know which room the outdoor unit is in. It keeps ringing all night, and the sound insulation is poor, which greatly affects your sleep. If you sleep lightly and like to be clean, be sure to avoid it to avoid stepping into pitfalls.
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Response from Property: Hello, all our reviews are real reviews from guests. The hotel has been open for 5 years, and there are indeed problems with paint peeling off the door handles, strong winds and dust on the beach. The pictures are all real shots, and the external environment is original to that of a seaside fishing village. There is no inconsistency with the style. Regarding the issues you raised, we will gradually improve them in the future. Thank you for your correction!
Anonymous User
Deluxe Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Dec 2022
2 review
Posted on Jan 6, 2023
The business was so good that it was too late to clean the room, and there was no change of towels. The cups in the room also looked old. Not very satisfied with the overall service.
But the sea view is really nice. So for this price to live in such a beautiful sea view room, I think it is still acceptable.
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Response from Property: Dear guest, thank you very much for staying in our hotel and sharing your recent stay experience with us for your precious time. It is our duty to provide you with a perfect and comfortable stay experience. I am very sorry for the bad check-in experience brought to you this time due to the epidemic. The main reason is that two of the three of us have just let go of the cleaning lady, so I can't bring you a good experience. I apologize to you again. At the same time, we also hope that you will come again next time and let us provide you with the best service. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Guest User
Superior Room (Double bed)
Stayed in Nov 2022
Business travelers
5 review
Posted on Dec 6, 2022
I arrived at the store after 12 o'clock in the evening. I wanted to take a good rest, but the balcony door of the first room 305 couldn't be locked. I asked the front desk to change the room to 205. The air conditioner in 205 didn't work well, and there was no difference between 20 degrees and 26 degrees. If the wind speed is adjusted, it is the same as if it is not adjusted. Ask the front desk to tell me about the central air-conditioning, and you still need to tell me? ? ? My home is central air-conditioning and it's not like your store! In the end, the front desk asked me "what do you want", and finally changed back to 305 to deal with it. The cleanliness of the room is so dirty and messy, I didn't take a picture of 205, you can see for yourself, the mosquito's body is still pressing on the wall! ! These photos are real photos taken by 305. I don’t know why you scored such a high score for hygiene. It’s just a brush. There are several stains when the cup is lifted! The toilet is even worse, holding it alive all night. I stayed in so many hotels in Haikou and Sanya for half a month in Hainan, this one made me the most speechless, and it was also the one with the worst experience!
Facilities: really average
Hygiene: Surprisingly bad, dirty and messy!
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Response from Property: We are very sorry for the confusion caused to you, and we have already punished the front desk on duty that day. Hope you have a nice holiday in Sanya. Our B&B is located in Meilian Community, Yazhou District, Sanya City. 20 kilometers from Nanshan Temple, 15 kilometers from Big and Small Caves, 35 kilometers from Tianya Haijiao, and the seaside is at the door of the B&B. A small fishing village with beautiful scenery and original ecology is a rare and good place.
Response from Property: 親,哇塞,看到您又一次選擇咱們這兒,還帶着家人一起過來,我們心裏那叫一個開心呀,真的特別感謝您對我們的這份喜愛與支持呢!您提到看到之前的留影,那種感慨和懷念的心情我們太能理解啦,這也説明咱們這兒給您留下了特別難忘又美好的回憶呀。出門就是沙灘,能撿貝殼、抓螃蟹,還能邂逅歸來的漁民,買到新鮮的魚,確實趣味十足呢,而且那各種各樣撿不完的貝殼,也給這海邊生活增添了不少浪漫色彩呀。晚上沿着海邊或者後面街上溜達溜達,感受那愜意又悠閑的氛圍,多舒服呀。您誇咱們酒店的飯做得不錯,這可給了廚師們莫大的鼓勵呢,他們肯定會繼續用心,把美味一直延續下去哦。住的環境能讓您滿意,尤其是全智能的設施深受小孩子喜愛,這也正是我們努力想要達到的效果呀,就是盼着大家住得舒心又自在呢。哎呀,這次沒撿到海星確實有點小遺憾,不過這也給下次再來留了個念想嘛,我們可太期待您下次再來啦,到時候説不定能收穫滿滿當當的海星哦。真心希望您和家人這次在這兒度過了一段愉快又難忘的時光呀,也期待下次再見到您呢,祝您生活美滿,每天都開開心心的喲!
Response from Property: 親,看到您帶着家人尤其是小孩在咱們客棧有這麼棒的體驗,我們心裏可太開心啦!咱們的家庭房就是專門為像您這樣的家庭出遊打造的呀,空間寬敞舒適,各種設施也都考慮到了大人和小孩不同的需求,能讓一家人住得温馨又愜意呢。出門就是海邊這一點,真的特別適合帶小孩的家庭呀,孩子們可以隨時去沙灘上玩耍、堆沙堡、踏踏海浪,盡情享受海邊的歡樂時光,留下美好的童年記憶哦。客棧自帶的餐廳那可是我們的一大特色呢,大廚手藝精湛,每道菜都用心烹飪,聽到您説好吃,我們也特別有成就感呀,就是希望大家可以放心點餐,品嚐到美味可口的飯菜。而且能去漁船上買海鮮回來讓酒店加工這個事兒,好多客人都特別喜歡呢,這樣既能保證海鮮的新鮮度,又能嚐到符合自己口味的獨特做法,那吃起來別提多帶勁啦。真的很感謝您對我們的認可呀,希望您一家人往後還能常來咱們這兒,我們會繼續努力,不斷完善改進,給您帶來更多的驚喜哦。祝您一家人生活美滿,每天都開開心心的喲,期待與您的再次相見呢!
Response from Property: 親,看到您這麼熱情又用心的推薦,我們心裏別提多高興啦!真的特別感謝您對我們酒店的認可呀。咱們酒店位置得天獨厚,出門就是海邊,周圍環境宜人,確實是看海的絕佳去處呢,而且能讓大家輕鬆買到最新鮮的海鮮,再拿到餐廳讓手藝精湛的廚師幫忙加工,這樣就能品嚐到原汁原味的海鮮美味啦,想想都讓人覺得愜意呢。房間乾淨寬敞,也是我們一直用心在維護的,就是希望每位入住的客人都能住得舒舒服服。而服務方面,我們始終秉持細心周到的理念,努力讓大家感受到家一般的温暖呀。您的推薦對我們來説太重要了,相信會有更多的朋友因為您的分享而選擇我們酒店呢。期待後續能迎來更多像您一樣滿意的客人呀,也希望您下次再來的時候,我們依舊能給您帶來超棒的體驗哦。再次感謝您,祝您生活愉快,每天都開開心心的喲!
Response from Property: 親愛的客人:見字如麪呀!看到您這洋洋灑灑又滿是讚譽的評價,我們心裏別提多高興了,就像被陽光照拂着,暖烘烘的呢!咱民宿精心打造的輕奢風格,就是想給大家帶來高品質的住宿體驗,規模雖小些,卻也藏着獨屬於咱們這兒的温馨與精緻,能入得了您的 “法眼”,還被您誇不遜色於四星級酒店,可太給我們長臉啦,這份認可我們定會好好珍惜。房間裏的每一處佈置、每一項智能設施,包括那讓您睡得格外舒適的床和枕頭,都是我們用心考量、反覆挑選的成果呀,能讓一向挑剔的您滿意,那就是對我們最大的褒獎了。説到美食呀,咱們的招牌椰子雞和小黃牛,那可都是帶着滿滿的誠意上桌的呢!自養的雞、現摘的椰子,還有鮮嫩的小黃牛,就是想讓大家品嚐到最原汁原味、最地道的滋味,您吃得開心,誇它們美味,可把廚房的師傅們樂壞了,幹勁兒更足咯!晚上那頓海鮮大餐,廚師們更是使出了渾身解數,就盼着用精湛廚藝給大家帶來一場舌尖上的盛宴,您的點贊就是對他們最好的鼓勵呀。海邊的時光總是那麼美好,踏浪、玩沙、賞落日,這愜意又自在的場景,能成為您一家人在這兒的美好回憶,我們也覺得無比榮幸呢。真心感謝您把咱們民宿推薦給更多的朋友呀,我們盼着您下次再來,再續這段美好的緣分,一定給您準備更難忘的體驗哦!再次祝您生活喜樂,萬事順意呀!