Recommended Jurong hotels with Spa for a perfect stay!

Latest Reviews for Jurong Hotels

Jurong Round Rate Hotel
4.8/5654 Reviews
A very pleasant accommodation experience: (1) The room is one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, which is super large. (2) The room facilities are very new and smart. (3) The service is excellent, the front desk is enthusiastic, and the security guards and cleaners are all smiling. (4) The gym is super large, with many facilities and very advanced treadmills. (5) It is opposite to Wuyue Plaza, which is super convenient for eating and shopping. (6) Electric cars are easy to charge and the price is affordable, which is definitely the best choice for self-driving tours. (7) The breakfast variety is rich and the taste is good, and there are also multi-grain pancakes. (8) Jurong High-speed Railway Station and Jurong Metro Station are right next to it, which is very convenient even if you are not traveling by car. If you come to Nanjing Zhenjiang for a self-driving tour next time, this is definitely the best choice.
Hentique Maoshan Retreat
4.7/51983 Reviews
Maoshan scenic area
The hotel is spacious, bright and tidy. If you arrive early, although there is no room to check in, you can get the package tickets in advance and play first. There are also many areas for rest and fun in the hotel. There are also places for tea and charging. When there is a room, Xiao He, the butler of the reservation department, will be the first time Notifications, and various warm reminders, the cleaning lady Zhu Yuelan also answered our questions enthusiastically. The hotel facilities are very complete, there are laundry detergent and electric mosquito coils, and the balcony is equipped with gauze curtains, which is very thoughtful. Children also like the food very much, especially the dinner at the Hong Kong-style Ming stall restaurant has achieved CD-ROM action! The glass plank road in the water world is very novel, the elevator is a bit slow and crowded, the outdoor area should still be expanding, and there are not many things to play. Walking in the hotel area after dinner has a nice view, there are boardwalks, fountains, and a slow pace of life. I like it very much.
3.7/510 Reviews
Jurong urban area
It is said that it is a bathing inn. In fact, it is a single room for the rest of the bathhouse. The sanitation in the room is more difficult to say. The sheets are yellow. Fortunately, the price is cheap enough. The boss is also more enthusiastic. Anyway, the actual stay is to deal with a few hours and go straight to the scenic spot. If you transit temporarily, Still very affordable
Zhenjiang Jurong Hantian Langyue Star Hotel (Baohuashan Scenic Area)
4.7/5797 Reviews
Baohua Moutain Scenic Area
踏入這家古色古香的酒店,彷彿穿越了時空,回到了一個寧靜而典雅的時代。從踏入大門連廊的那一刻起,我就被這裏獨特的氛圍深深吸引。具有時代感的黃包車安靜的待在酒店的大門前,彷彿一刻就能拉回舊時代的繁華場景。連廊旁的魚池裡,錦鯉互相逗趣,尤其那尾錦鯉身披金鱗,遊弋時彷彿帶着祥瑞之氣。 酒店的大堂和客房都具有傳統的建築風格,青磚黛瓦,飛檐翹角,每一處細節都透露出古典的韻味。步入大堂,古色古香的裝飾讓人眼前一亮,木雕、書畫等藝術品錯落有致地擺放着,營造出一種濃厚的文化氛圍。客房同樣延續了這種古典風格,傢俱古樸典雅,床品柔軟舒適,讓人彷彿置身於古代的貴族府邸。窗户外,是精心打造的園林景觀,綠樹成蔭,流水潺潺,為住宿增添了幾分詩意和雅緻。坐在庭院裏博弈一局,勝負早已不是心中所盼,唯有那份安寧才是極為嚮往的地方。 酒店身處寶華山公園內,山腳下就是千華古村,千華古村是一座位於句容寶華山腳下的仿明清古村,古村中為遊客展現了三百年前的康乾盛世時期黎民百姓的生活全貌。西洋鏡、鏢局、手工織布機、袖裡藏金、錢莊、木偶戲、雜耍”等都在這裏一一呈現,讓人彷彿穿越到了明清時代。沿着河道走,兩邊的吊腳樓,鱗次櫛比,在藍天白雲的映襯下,這一切彷佛賦予了生命。夜景也非常美麗。古村裡有臨水酒吧一條街,開了不下數十家酒吧茶館,有人把這條巷子命名為“醉巷”。在這裏,你可以一邊欣賞古村的夜景,一邊暢飲閑談!你可以找一處書店,尋一處清吧,或者覓一處商店,細細地尋找屬於自己的那一份古鎮情節。 酒店的服務也令人印象深刻。工作人員統一着裝,態度温婉,舉止得體,讓人感受到一種別樣的尊貴體驗。他們不僅提供了周到的服務,還時常為客人介紹酒店的歷史和文化背景,讓人對這家酒店有了更深的瞭解和認識。感謝戴經理和錢慧的招待,兩位小姐姐非常的nice,服務超級好!也感謝當天16舍阿姨,有求必應👍 在涵田朗月星辰酒店裡,我不僅享受到了舒適的住宿體驗,還感受到了濃厚的文化氛圍和歷史的厚重感。這裏不僅是一個住宿的地方,更是一個讓人心靈得到放鬆和滋養的場所。我會將這次入住經歷珍藏在心,期待有機會再次回到這個充滿愛意和舒適回憶的酒店。

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Property Information for Tourists

Total Properties387
Number of Reviews31,081
Highest PriceTRY 26,185
Lowest PriceTRY 238
Average Price (Weekdays)TRY 2,393
Average Price (Weekends)TRY 2,570