Reduce the risk of running injuries - Intermediate running drills class | Meet in front of the Flower Tree Sculpture, Vivo City
Feb 26, 2025 (UTC+8)ENDED
Read more about these series of Basic, and Intermediate classes here Reduce the risk of running injuries with the correct running gait. Every runner, from newbies to experienced Boston Qualifiers should take this class because it gives you the basics of how to run better. While running is an instinctive and natural activity, running more efficiently is not something that everyone is able to do. New runners concerned about injuries and competitive runners looking to shave seconds off their PB will benefit from being more bio-mechanically efficient. This class is best experienced with a buddy, so sign up together with a friend. To get class schedule changes or updates - you and your friend can join this Whatsapp group here IMPORTANT - DO NOT show up for the class without informing the organizers beforehand, as classes may be cancelled without prior notice. Join the whatsapp group FIRST at least a few days before you plan to join a class.
These classes are for residents of Singaore with a local +65 mobile number. If you do not have or use a +65 mobile number, these classes are NOT for you. W hat you will learn A sports science approach, using the laws of Physics and bio-mechanics to help you run better and lower the risk of running injuries. Harness gravity to help you be a more efficient runner. Improve your running posture, develop a stronger core, for running and daily living. Correct your running gait so that you run faster and longer with the same effort. The class has three parts - a presentation on the Sports Science behind your running gait, a hands-on session where you do running drills (total of 10 different running drills, across three sessions) and a demo of what exercises to do plus Discussion / QnA. W hy you should attend this Intermediate class I f you are concerned about getting running injuries as a new runner, this class is for you. Perhaps you are a seasoned marathoner looking for a breakthrough and want to run more efficiently. You have attended the Basic class and now want to learn more about an efficient breathing technique, how to manage your training effort with Rate of Perceived Exertion and Heart Rate, fine tune your running cadence and reduce rotational forces and vertical oscillation. This class will also help dispel running myths and mistakes. W ho is SSTARfitness W e are the leading running and endurance sports coaching service in Singapore, trained hundreds of runners, from beginners to multiple Boston Marathon qualifiers. Our company is led by two full-time coaches, Andrew Cheong and Diana Lee who runs together with our athletes for every training. They are the first and only Singapore couple who has been awarded the Abbott Six-Star World Majors, and between them have completed more than 100 marathons and ultra-marathons. Andrew has qualified for the Boston marathon every year since 2011 and Diana since 2015, with sports science certifications from the RRCA, World Athletics, American Council of Exercise, FISAF etc. Read more about them here W hat happens next Join our Wednesday weekly running gait 45-minute classes, ideally you should start with the Beginner class, before taking the Intermediate class . Also join our running group SSTARfitness Crew for weekly group runs on Tue, Thurs and Sat. These runs are led by our two coaches, plus a team of trainers and pacers. You will be able to run together with a pace group, no matter what your speed is. We welcome anyone who can run non-stop for 30mins (slow is OK!) Our meeting point for group runs is on Google maps (search for SSTARfitness)- be sure to read our reviews too! Sign up for a FREE 21-day trail, and consider any of our training programs, starting at $50 a month. After you ''graduate'' from our program, you get to run with the SSTARfitness Crew for free, forever! Follow our activities on the SSTARfitness Facebook, SSTARfitness Crew Facebook, Instagram and Strava Basic Class (every 3rd Wednesday of the month) Presentation How to correct your running posture Five components of a bio-mechanically efficient running gait Correct PostureForward LeanAnkle / Leg liftMid-foot landingUpper body actionDrills #1, #2, #3, #4 Posture and forward lean drillHoppingForward lean + runTraveling with forward leanCadence drill with Metronome at 170 bpm, 180 bpm, 190 bpmDemo Basic core strength exercises to build better posture Discussion Injury prevention discussion + QnA (10mins) ============================================================ Intermediate Class (every 4th Wednesday of the month) Presentation Recap of Basic class (Running Drills #1 to #4) Breathing technique and ROPE Efficient running cadence Correct arm swing Reducing rotational forces and vertical oscillation Drills #5, #6, #7 #8 4. (Recap from Basic class) Traveling with forward lean 5. Long vs short pendulum drill (Standing and seated) 6. Upper body arm extended run forward 8. Uphill and downhill running with Drill #2, Drill #4 Demo Demo on Intermediate Core strength exercises Demo + hands on - using running poles or trail running (runners can bring their own poles) Discussion Injury prevention discussion + QnA (10mins)
Information Source: SSTARfitness, a leading marathon and endurance sports training company | eventbrite