Ava Bell Ava85

Jingmai Mountain! A great place to unwind on the weekend

It takes nearly four hours to get there by highway from Pu'er city center. The commercialization of the scenic area is just right, providing basic needs without annoying tourists. The key is they don't overcharge! So far, it's one of the scenic areas I like the most. We randomly chose a restaurant in Nuogan Ancient Village for a meal, and it was delicious without any disappointments. Recommended dishes are grilled pork belly, grilled fish, and stir-fried tea leaves with eggs. They are quite distinctive and very tasty. The most common phrases we said while at Jingmai Mountain were: so beautiful, so delicious, so nice to drink. Interestingly, aside from the grilled meat and fish, all other dishes were packed and brought over by the owner from their home after we ordered. The owner would brew tea for us during the meal, including Dianhong, raw Pu'er, ripe Pu'er, and white tea. Personally, I recommend the white tea; even someone who doesn't like tea would find it good. The owner mentioned that spring tea is better than autumn tea, so everyone can choose their travel time accordingly. The greening inside the ancient village is wonderful, and the residents' pace of life is very slow. On the way down the mountain, you can stop at the viewing platform to take photos and check in, as the scenery is particularly beautiful. Due to time constraints, we only visited Nuogan Ancient Village and stopped briefly at Wengji Ancient Town to see the sacred tree.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 19, 2024
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