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Hikes Everyone Likes | Dandong

#tripblazers Dandong and its surrounding areas offer some scenic hiking opportunities, allowing you to explore the natural beauty of the region. 🥾Phoenix Mountain - Located in Dandong, Phoenix Mountain offers hiking trails with beautiful views of the Yalu River and the city. The hike takes you through lush landscapes, and you can reach the summit for panoramic landscapes. Accessible by local bus. 🥾Hushan Great Wall - The Hushan Great Wall, also known as the Tiger Mountain Great Wall, is located near Dandong. Hiking along this section of the Great Wall provides not only a historical experience but also stunning views of the Yalu River and North Korea. Accessible by local bus. 🥾Jiangjun Mountain -About an hour's drive from Dandong, Jiangjun Mountain is known for its diverse scenery and hiking trails. The summit offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including the Yalu River. 🥾Benxi Water Cave Scenic Area - Although a bit farther from Dandong, the Benxi Water Cave Scenic Area offers unique hiking opportunities. The cave system is surrounded by lush greenery and waterfalls, creating a picturesque setting for exploration. 🥾Qian Shan National Park - Qian Shan National Park, situated near Dandong, is known for its mountainous landscapes and hiking trails. The park offers various routes suitable for different fitness levels. As well if you're not interested in spending whole day on a single trip, there are various parks on the edge of the city that offer accessable paths with stunning views of Dandong city, like: 元宝山 -Yuanbaoshan 锦江山公园 - Jinjiangshan Park 王家沟 - Wangjiagou Tips and Tricks ⁉️ 🌦️Before embarking on any hike, it's advisable to check local regulations, trail conditions, and weather forecasts. ☑️Some areas may require permits, and guided tours may be available for certain hiking routes. ⚙️Additionally, ensuring that you have proper gear, sufficient water, and a map of the trails is essential for a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. #spintheworld #wecreate #mytravelhacks #localguides #familytrip
Posted: Nov 15, 2023
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