
Checked in at Beijing Yunju Temple with the spring water from Mount Wutai

💧Mount Wutai Spring💦Checked in at Beijing Yunju Temple 📍Shuitou Village, Dashiwu Town, Fangshan District, Beijing Yunju Temple consists of five courtyards and six halls with numerous pagodas The temple was founded during the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty by the monk Jingwan, who carved scriptures into the rocks The temple is grand in scale, with the Tripitaka, pagodas, and relics being noteworthy The Tripitaka refers to the stone scriptures, wooden scriptures, and the blood-written scriptures There are nine caves in Stone Scripture Mountain, but only the Thunder Sound Cave is open to the public The stone slabs carved by Monk Jingwan with the Tripitaka are on the cave walls There are exhibition halls for the paper and wooden scriptures, with authentic pieces Complete stories and explanations are provided, making the science popularization spot-on There are more than 20,000 hand-copied scripture scrolls, including seven scrolls of the blood-written scriptures These were written by the monk Zuhui of Miaolian Temple, who wrote with his own blood from his tongue The Qianlong Tripitaka, also known as the Dragon Tripitaka, currently has 77,000 pieces The official Han Chinese Tripitaka carved in wood is the largest in China There are more than ten ancient stone and brick pagodas in the temple The South Pagoda is for storing scriptures, and the North Pagoda is for relics They feature pavilions, covered bowls, and precious pagoda tops, which are very characteristic Yunju Temple is also one of the few temples in China that treasures relics The newly built Yongding River Bridge can be seen from the Fangshan subway line 'When did the imperial carriage stop by the splendid tents, as the white clouds always protect this small western paradise. Rugged pagodas stand through a thousand autumns of rain, and the brilliant scriptures are carved into ten thousand stones of Zen. The world knows of the calamities to this day, yet enlightenment and I seem to have no fate. I think back to the days when the true monk was here, and the sound of the great bell proclaimed through the valleys.'
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Posted: Jul 2, 2024
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Yunju Temple

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