
Mountain View Hotels in Liuyang

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來談一下我跟朋友國慶期間入住的體驗。民宿的配套設施,屋內的結構、房間大小規格跟圖片上還是相符的,下面我要來説説服務跟體驗感。 我們是下午2點左右抵達民宿,開車上坡後就有2個分叉路口,標識(←接待中心、客房→)那個時候前台並不是很忙,我微信上諮詢也沒見回覆,我就打了前台電話告知要先前往接待中心辦理入住(1:個人認為這些細節應該在客人確定入住後第一時間以文字的形式把流程告知給客人而不是踩着剎車在坡上等你們客服微信消息),入住辦理的過程中收取了500元按金這個合理合規沒有問題,因為接待大廳跟客房是分開2個方向,所以我們又跟着前台的車子前往客房,停好車後,前台也看見我們有2位女士,大包小包並沒有主動上前幫忙拿行李,甚至房間的門都是用手指着告知我們是那個門,這都算了,畢竟都是女士,我們也能提得動。然後我們在房間整理一下後,就想着下午的餐食跟前台要了菜單後,我們告知他們晚上7點用餐,菜品也一併告知,我又主動諮詢前台下午還有什麼節目,於是前台就發了張圖片下午的節目表給我們,我們就自行走動,周邊逛逛看一看,到了飯點的時間應該6點45左右我們前往了餐廳,告知前台我們已經來了,可以上菜了。前台的回覆是我們沒有預訂,於是乎我拿出了微信聊天記錄給他們確定後我們在2樓露台區等待用餐,在此期間,我朋友已經在樓下付款了2杯美式和晚餐費用,我在吃完餐後用微信溝通要求買單結賬,他們給我發來了金額跟二維碼,我付款成功後告訴了我朋友餐費金額,我朋友還納悶我咋知道的晚餐多少錢?我説我買單了啊!她説她已經付過款了,我們就繼續聊天用餐直到吃得差不多準備走下樓跟前台去追討重複繳納的餐費。 前台小姐姐並沒有第一時間認識到自己的服務出了問題,只是第一時間告知今天客人較多,而且還説我們的桌號牌有從03桌挪動到05桌。可是我和朋友從上露台到用完餐一直沒動過桌號牌,一直在05號桌。前台人員還在説是別的客人動的,那麼我就想問問:既然你們知道這個的問題出現過並且後會造成誤會,為何沒在第一時間想辦法處理。比如:在客人下單後,你們在上餐具時就可以在系統裏標註桌號,或將桌號牌做成固定的不能隨意移動。 還有重複收費怎麼衹重複收取了晚餐的費用,咖啡是同時點的,同時付款的為何又沒被重複收費呢?不知酒店是否用的是兩個收費系統。總之,管理混亂,而且製作咖啡的太慢了,點單時只有我點了兩杯咖啡,沒有其他客人點單,客人是站在前台等候這兩杯來之不易的咖啡。如客人點單較多,這樣的速度能有好的服務嗎?! 晚餐我們點的蔬菜是油麥菜,但服務員上的是清炒芽白,並説他們沒有油麥菜都上了芽白,我能理解因國慶客人較多,配貨不足,臨時改單,但做為消費者自己點的菜被更換了,不應該在第一時由酒店與我們溝通商量嗎? 第二天,我們把房間打掃乾淨,我朋友連垃圾都幫他們清理到了一起,7.40左右我們收拾完前往接待中心用早餐並且退房,我在回去的路上,大概10點20左右我突然覺得退房的時候好像還有個按金500元衹字未提,按照我以往入住民宿的情況應該是退房後通知保潔員進行清掃檢查後第一時間退還按金,我當時在開車,我付按金的時候是用微信付款的,退按金的是來自於短訊,我就沒有注意看短訊,我就直接微信問的前台退按金,我説了一句你們民宿從不主動,都要問、都要催,他們的回覆也很不客氣,説因為要等保潔打掃完房間,然後我們在處理退按金,不可能您剛退房間,保潔還沒有打掃我們就把按金退回,那我們收按金就沒有任何意義了,互相理解一下,這是他們給我的回覆,我説我7.40退的房,現在10.19分,我還要等保潔打掃完?你們不應該第一時間處理嗎?這個客服就找很多理由説什麼這幾天都滿房,退房都是一批一批的,一般一個房間打掃完都要四五十分鐘,敢問一下你們滿房不滿房,我是在平台上看不見嗎?你們所謂的一批一批打掃難道客人都是軍事化管理在你們同意的時間內集體退房?還跟我説一間房子要打掃40—50分鐘。對,打掃的那麼仔細就是沒看見我床頭下面的一根和天下的煙,最後聊了半天,客服問我哪個房間。我呵呵的笑了,從我還沒入住起,我就備註了你們,你們卻沒有備註客人!你們客服所有的説辭都是在找藉口跟理由,這種價位的民宿客服的敬業精神真的有待好好培訓提高。

AAnonymous User 2024.10.08
來談一下我跟朋友國慶期間入住的體驗。民宿的配套設施,屋內的結構、房間大小規格跟圖片上還是相符的,下面我要來説説服務跟體驗感。 我們是下午2點左右抵達民宿,開車上坡後就有2個分叉路口,標識(←接待中心、客房→)那個時候前台並不是很忙,我微信上諮詢也沒見回覆,我就打了前台電話告知要先前往接待中心辦理入住(1:個人認為這些細節應該在客人確定入住後第一時間以文字的形式把流程告知給客人而不是踩着剎車在坡上等你們客服微信消息),入住辦理的過程中收取了500元按金這個合理合規沒有問題,因為接待大廳跟客房是分開2個方向,所以我們又跟着前台的車子前往客房,停好車後,前台也看見我們有2位女士,大包小包並沒有主動上前幫忙拿行李,甚至房間的門都是用手指着告知我們是那個門,這都算了,畢竟都是女士,我們也能提得動。然後我們在房間整理一下後,就想着下午的餐食跟前台要了菜單後,我們告知他們晚上7點用餐,菜品也一併告知,我又主動諮詢前台下午還有什麼節目,於是前台就發了張圖片下午的節目表給我們,我們就自行走動,周邊逛逛看一看,到了飯點的時間應該6點45左右我們前往了餐廳,告知前台我們已經來了,可以上菜了。前台的回覆是我們沒有預訂,於是乎我拿出了微信聊天記錄給他們確定後我們在2樓露台區等待用餐,在此期間,我朋友已經在樓下付款了2杯美式和晚餐費用,我在吃完餐後用微信溝通要求買單結賬,他們給我發來了金額跟二維碼,我付款成功後告訴了我朋友餐費金額,我朋友還納悶我咋知道的晚餐多少錢?我説我買單了啊!她説她已經付過款了,我們就繼續聊天用餐直到吃得差不多準備走下樓跟前台去追討重複繳納的餐費。 前台小姐姐並沒有第一時間認識到自己的服務出了問題,只是第一時間告知今天客人較多,而且還説我們的桌號牌有從03桌挪動到05桌。可是我和朋友從上露台到用完餐一直沒動過桌號牌,一直在05號桌。前台人員還在説是別的客人動的,那麼我就想問問:既然你們知道這個的問題出現過並且後會造成誤會,為何沒在第一時間想辦法處理。比如:在客人下單後,你們在上餐具時就可以在系統裏標註桌號,或將桌號牌做成固定的不能隨意移動。 還有重複收費怎麼衹重複收取了晚餐的費用,咖啡是同時點的,同時付款的為何又沒被重複收費呢?不知酒店是否用的是兩個收費系統。總之,管理混亂,而且製作咖啡的太慢了,點單時只有我點了兩杯咖啡,沒有其他客人點單,客人是站在前台等候這兩杯來之不易的咖啡。如客人點單較多,這樣的速度能有好的服務嗎?! 晚餐我們點的蔬菜是油麥菜,但服務員上的是清炒芽白,並説他們沒有油麥菜都上了芽白,我能理解因國慶客人較多,配貨不足,臨時改單,但做為消費者自己點的菜被更換了,不應該在第一時由酒店與我們溝通商量嗎? 第二天,我們把房間打掃乾淨,我朋友連垃圾都幫他們清理到了一起,7.40左右我們收拾完前往接待中心用早餐並且退房,我在回去的路上,大概10點20左右我突然覺得退房的時候好像還有個按金500元衹字未提,按照我以往入住民宿的情況應該是退房後通知保潔員進行清掃檢查後第一時間退還按金,我當時在開車,我付按金的時候是用微信付款的,退按金的是來自於短訊,我就沒有注意看短訊,我就直接微信問的前台退按金,我説了一句你們民宿從不主動,都要問、都要催,他們的回覆也很不客氣,説因為要等保潔打掃完房間,然後我們在處理退按金,不可能您剛退房間,保潔還沒有打掃我們就把按金退回,那我們收按金就沒有任何意義了,互相理解一下,這是他們給我的回覆,我説我7.40退的房,現在10.19分,我還要等保潔打掃完?你們不應該第一時間處理嗎?這個客服就找很多理由説什麼這幾天都滿房,退房都是一批一批的,一般一個房間打掃完都要四五十分鐘,敢問一下你們滿房不滿房,我是在平台上看不見嗎?你們所謂的一批一批打掃難道客人都是軍事化管理在你們同意的時間內集體退房?還跟我説一間房子要打掃40—50分鐘。對,打掃的那麼仔細就是沒看見我床頭下面的一根和天下的煙,最後聊了半天,客服問我哪個房間。我呵呵的笑了,從我還沒入住起,我就備註了你們,你們卻沒有備註客人!你們客服所有的説辭都是在找藉口跟理由,這種價位的民宿客服的敬業精神真的有待好好培訓提高。
39 reviews
Price from
INR 9,885
per night
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Floral Hotel· Liuyang Huyang terrace homestay
Floral Hotel· Liuyang Huyang terrace homestayFloral Hotel· Liuyang Huyang terrace homestay
Hotel near Liuyang
The Floral Hotel· Liuyang Huyang terrace homestay provides a great place for travelers to relax after a busy day. Visitors to Liuyang will find that the Floral Hotel· Liuyang Huyang terrace homestay is a fantastic accommodation choice. There is no shortage of things to see in the area, with the Huyang Terraces, Qixingling International Ski Resort and Daweishan Huangshi Cave Scenic Area all nearby. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. This Liuyang hotel provides parking on site. If you demand a high level of service, our guests have indicated that this hotel has excellent standards.

GGuest User 2024.07.07
The scenery is beautiful and the service is very intimate. The staff Xiao Peng helped us prepare barbecue tools and took the luggage very warmly. We walked in the mountains very comfortably. The air was fresh. The bamboo forest was very relaxed in the morning, but there was some pain, mainly because it was too expensive, but this price is really not high. For the first 1,000 nights, this price can be very high-end in first- and second-tier cities, with a five-star hotel with a buffet breakfast pool children's playground. I think if the price is cheaper, it is still a very comfortable place and it is recommended.
46 reviews
Price from
INR 7,994
per night
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Daweishan Baisha Bai Homestay
Daweishan Baisha Bai HomestayDaweishan Baisha Bai Homestay
Hotel near Liuyang
The Daweishan Baisha Bai Homestay was recently opened in 2023, making it a fantastic choice for those staying in Liuyang. Seeing Liuyang's sights from this hotel is easy with Liuyang River Suyuan Drift, Liuyang Baisha Ancient Town and Dawushan River Tracing Outdoor Club all close by. At the end of a busy day, travelers can unwind and relax in the hotel or go out and enjoy the city. This Liuyang hotel offers parking on site. According to our trusted guests, the facilities at this hotel are first-rate. This hotel is a popular accommodation for groups of friends traveling together.

AAnonymous User 2023.07.18
The decoration of the B&B is simple and fashionable. The rooms are comfortable and spacious. The public rest area is very large and it is very comfortable to rest outside at night. The butler service is also great. The infinity pool on the roof is also very beautiful. It is worth visiting!
131 reviews
Price from
INR 5,002
per night
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Liuyang Moye·Xiaohewan Youwan Homestay
Liuyang Moye·Xiaohewan Youwan HomestayLiuyang Moye·Xiaohewan Youwan Homestay
Hotel near Liuyang
The overall environment of the hotel is very good, with mountains and water, and you can trace the stream at the door. We live in a suite that was renovated from an old house. There are a few dust particles falling off the roof, but it doesn't affect our living. The service is excellent and any needs are solved promptly. The food in the restaurant is delicious and the portions are sufficient. Free coffee at the front desk.

GGuest User 2024.04.03
The overall environment of the hotel is very good, with mountains and water, and you can trace the stream at the door. We live in a suite that was renovated from an old house. There are a few dust particles falling off the roof, but it doesn't affect our living. The service is excellent and any needs are solved promptly. The food in the restaurant is delicious and the portions are sufficient. Free coffee at the front desk.
71 reviews
Price from
INR 8,186
per night
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Liuyang Yunxi Shanshe Homestay
Liuyang Yunxi Shanshe HomestayLiuyang Yunxi Shanshe Homestay
Hotel near Liuyang
The Liuyang Yunxi Shanshe Homestay is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Liuyang Yunxi Shanshe Homestay is an ideal choice for travelers who want to take in the sights and sounds of Liuyang. Seeing Liuyang's sights from this hotel is easy with bao gai chan si, 5D Panoramic Skywalk, Huanglong Gorge and Thirty-Six Bay Campground all close by. After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of the hotel. This Liuyang hotel offers parking on site. If you are looking for a convenient place to stay, our guests have told us that this location is excellent. For guests traveling with families, this hotel is consistently one of the most popular choices.

GGuest User 2024.05.03
The yard is not as big as expected, the overall design is very good, it is Japanese style, the room is a duplex structure, the first floor is the living room and kitchen, the second floor is the bedroom and bathroom, and the two floors have bathrooms. The front desk mm is very welcoming and can answer any questions in time. The dinner presented is Liuyang specialties, that is, there is no spicy and some spicy, breakfast is a good set meal, the match is very good. The best thing is that the door is a creek. The weather on May 1st is not suitable for playing in the water, but children can still fish for shrimp, and the pool in the yard can fish for cockroaches. It is better in summer.
151 reviews
Price from
INR 9,335
per night
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blorin  hotel(gugangtown liuyangcity)
blorin  hotel(gugangtown liuyangcity)blorin  hotel(gugangtown liuyangcity)
Hotel near Liuyang
來瀏陽看煙花,好多地方都沒房,地理位置挺荒涼! 外賣很晚點不到的!但是房間比想象中好!有小度,還算大!地下有停車場,但是有一點難停 下去的時候一個柱子

GGuest User 2024.12.31
來瀏陽看煙花,好多地方都沒房,地理位置挺荒涼! 外賣很晚點不到的!但是房間比想象中好!有小度,還算大!地下有停車場,但是有一點難停 下去的時候一個柱子
31 reviews
Price from
INR 1,939
per night
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Yintian Hotel
Yintian HotelYintian Hotel
Hotel near Liuyang
Nestled at the foot of verdant Tianmu Mountain and facing the Liuyang River, the Yintian Hotel (Yintian Dajiudian) is a wonderful escape for leisure travelers. Located in the center of Liuyang, this hotel boasts easy access to all of the area’s local attractions including the Fuzhou Temple and the Daowushan Natural Reserve.With an airport pickup service, ticket reservation, free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, free parking and a free map of the area, guests will enjoy a carefree stay.The on-site restaurant serves a range of delicacies for Chinese and Western palates, and a coffee shop serves an assortment of snacks and beverages.The hotel has several function rooms and a business center, and amenities and staff are in place to make the customers’ stay a carefree and relaxing experience. Car rental is also available for those who require it.With an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness room, a billiards room and spa center ensure guests never run out of things to do.

NNico 2023.07.16
It used to be a great hotel, the best one in town, sadly time went buy and there were no renovations. Another thing that is really annoying there are no smoking signs everywhere and people smoke anyways, the staff doesn’t say anything about it. Besides that it’s a good hotel to stay if is just to sleep.
406 reviews
Price from
INR 4,033
per night
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Liuyang Nanyang Xintian Hotel
Liuyang Nanyang Xintian HotelLiuyang Nanyang Xintian Hotel
Hotel near Liuyang
The room is large, the room is clean and bright, the facilities are very complete, there is an underground parking lot, the parking lot is large, and parking is very convenient. There are three elevators in the hotel, which is very convenient to go up and down. You don't have to wait too long every time The air conditioner is very powerful, although it is newly renovated but odorless, the surprise is that there is a square around, it is very convenient to walk at night! Although there is no convenience store next to the hotel, there is an unmanned vending machine and it is very convenient. The violent bear dolls in the lobby are very popular for taking pictures. The point is that the little sister at the front desk is very warm and the service is very thoughtful!

GGuest User 2023.08.31
The room is large, the room is clean and bright, the facilities are very complete, there is an underground parking lot, the parking lot is large, and parking is very convenient. There are three elevators in the hotel, which is very convenient to go up and down. You don't have to wait too long every time The air conditioner is very powerful, although it is newly renovated but odorless, the surprise is that there is a square around, it is very convenient to walk at night! Although there is no convenience store next to the hotel, there is an unmanned vending machine and it is very convenient. The violent bear dolls in the lobby are very popular for taking pictures. The point is that the little sister at the front desk is very warm and the service is very thoughtful!
155 reviews
Price from
INR 2,717
per night
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Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store)
Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store)Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store)
Hotel near Liuyang
The Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store) is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. The Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store) offers a pleasant stay in Liuyang for those traveling for business or leisure. Changsha Huanghua International Airport and Liling East Railway Station are located 54km and 90km away respectively. This hotel is located near many of Liuyang's attractions including South Lake Park, LiuYangHe MeiShiJie and Liuyang Confucian Temple. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. There's never a dull moment at this hotel, our guests indicate that the facilities are excellent. Perfect for those working on the move, this hotel caters to a large number of business guests.

GGuest User 2023.11.09
The room is clean and comfortable, especially like the shampoo and shower gel configured by the hotel, it is very easy to use, the front desk lady is very gentle, the service is very thoughtful, satisfied, will choose to live here next time
611 reviews
Price from
INR 2,274
per night
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YDD·RESORT Homestay (Liuyang Jinkeng Branch)
YDD·RESORT Homestay (Liuyang Jinkeng Branch)YDD·RESORT Homestay (Liuyang Jinkeng Branch)
Hotel near Liuyang
The YDD RESORT is a lifestyle vacation complex centered around boutique holiday homestays, integrating leisure and entertainment, nature education, and field art. Aim to explore the mechanism of outdoor lifestyle, integrate products with the commonalities of nature, and provide a place of refuge for people who yearn for nature in this world. YDD RESORT Lianyun Mountain is a comprehensive cultural and tourism project located in Jinkeng, a holy land for river tracing in Liuyang. The planned area includes Yueshan Courtyard, Fireworks Villa, Wilderness Camp, and Free Field. The first phase of Yueshan Xiaoyuan covers an area of 1500 square meters and has 4 rooms (sets). The courtyard landscape, through the renovation of the building, creates a dialogue between indoor space and outdoor mountain scenery, creating and carrying a residential and social scene for travelers to stay and roam. The first phase of the fireworks villa is exclusively designed by a professional team from the University of California, Berkeley School of Architecture, based on the scenery of the mountains. It covers an area of 1800 square meters and consists of four three story independent buildings. Taking inspiration from Liuyang fireworks and firecracker tubes, whenever night falls, the cabin will emit a brilliant light, shining together with the bright moon and stars.

AATOM-II 2024.01.22
Because of the heavy snow on the 22nd, we reserved the whole place on the 21st. It was really amazing. Every scene was amazing, mainly because the dogs were so well-behaved. Plus it was snowing, it was so atmospheric. If you come here in the summer, you can call a few friends or have a company meeting. Anyway, we will come again next time. Knowing it was my birthday, she specially decorated the place and sent champagne 🍾️. She was very enthusiastic. The auntie who cooked was also very nice. She heated up the food for us the next day for fear of waste. It was a warm and cozy stay!
114 reviews
Price from
INR 8,377
per night
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Hampton by Hilton Changsha Liuyang

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"Friendly front desk staff""Delicious breakfast"
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Vienna International Hotel( Liuyang Jingkai District Centre international store)

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"Friendly front desk staff""Classy environment"
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Meihao Hotel (Liuyang River Scenery Bridge Store)

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"Classy environment""Friendly front desk staff"
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He Hotel

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"Classy environment""Friendly front desk staff"
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Holiday Inn Express Economic Development Zone Boda (Changsha Huanghua Airport)

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"Delicious breakfast""Friendly front desk staff"
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blorin  hotel(gugangtown liuyangcity) Hotels in Liuyang
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blorin hotel(gugangtown liuyangcity)

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"Clean and tidy""Friendly owner"
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AAnonymous UserThe rooms at the same price are large and small. It is recommended to contact the boss in advance to ask for a request. There is a stream at the door, which is very convenient for playing in the water.
Liuyang Natural Mountain Residence Farm

Liuyang Natural Mountain Residence Farm

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 1,747
KKumar06Nice stay, location and cleanliness is good. Helping front desk staff
JJinershaoA good place for family and children around Changsha. The mountain view of the hotel is superb, the swimming pool brings unlimited joy to the children, there are singers singing in the evening, and fireworks can be set off. The chef's craftsmanship is good, the afternoon tea is very intimate, and there are souvenirs before leaving. The homestay is convenient to drive to the surrounding attractions, you can enter the mountain and go to the stream to play in the water, the overall feeling is superb. The road to enter the homestay is a bicycle lane, which is slightly challenging, and there are two slow charging, which is convenient for replenishing energy. The reception is all young brothers and sisters, and many places are thoughtful.
Moye Banshan Duyin Zhuli Minsu

Moye Banshan Duyin Zhuli Minsu

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 8,305
BBingekaixinThe proprietress is polite and the service attitude is very good 👍
Liuyang Daweishan Xiangxia Chengu Farm

Liuyang Daweishan Xiangxia Chengu Farm

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 1,544
Hhuiren0109The room is clean and tidy, and the yard is very design-oriented. It is very suitable for taking pictures. I came out of Dawei Mountain and stayed in Shitian Mountain Residence. There is a long-lost quiet and leisure. The proprietress and housekeeper are very nice, and the noodles in the morning are also delicious! I plan to come again when I am going to be suitable for rafting during the summer vacation!
Shitian Shanju (Liuyang Jinkeng Branch)

Shitian Shanju (Liuyang Jinkeng Branch)

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 5,780
GGuest UserThe room and room type are particularly good, the landlord is also very good, and also sent us fruit. We didn't have breakfast and remember to remind us. The scenery next to it is very comfortable. The food in Liu Canteen is delicious. Our family of three ate a lot at night. At night, we went to the surrounding B&Bs and turned around. The scenery is particularly good. It is especially suitable for our niche.


Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 5,912
JJiujiぬVery good value for money. Very good value for money. The waiters are very enthusiastic. There are two almost almighty ladies who can take the trouble to solve everything. The independent courtyard house makes me feel like I have returned to the Tang Dynasty. I came to Dawei Mountain to escape the summer. I choose Songyin is absolutely unmistakable
Moye Songyin Mountain Yard (Daweishan Forest Park Branch)

Moye Songyin Mountain Yard (Daweishan Forest Park Branch)

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 4,572
AAnonymous UserI came here for the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's nearly 2 hours' drive from Changsha. The environment and services are all very good. It just needs to strengthen some leisure activities to avoid staying in the room with nothing to do.
No.5 Valley

No.5 Valley

Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 14,229
GGuest UserVery good stay experience, originally a temporary reservation, Liuyang's homestays are full, and then I found this one for a long time, with the mood to try it, I didn't expect the experience to be great! It is the house of the locals' own home. It is newly renovated and divided into three floors. Each room has a separate bathroom, which is clean and tidy. We went to a dozen people, and the third floor was all wrapped by us. The price was affordable. The dishes made by the proprietress were also good. The local chicken was great! The family will come back later!


Hotel near Liuyang
Price per night from:INR 6,319

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Liuyang Mountain View Hotels Information

Total Properties48
Number of Reviews3,531
Lowest PriceINR 910
Highest PriceINR 46,876
Average Price (Weekends)INR 8,728
Average Price (Weekdays)INR 8,174