February 13, 2025
WARNING : DO NOT STAY THIS HOTEL. Your stuff will be lost.
The owner is not reliable and showing hospitality attitude.
(I left Korean and Thai version below,
한국분들을 위해 한국어로도 밑에 저의 경험을 남깁니다,
I stayed this hotel for 2 seperated days out of my 5days staying in Vietnam which was 1st day and 5th day I’ve stayed here.
1st day: the hotel manager or owner told me that the booked place has electronic issue so she asked me to stay different places in another district(which was 4km away from city), I was unhappy that I can’t stay the place that I chose and there was no apology from the owner and she kept saying that this place is 2times bigger than the original place.(The size was not important me at all whether it’s big or not) Also she guaranteed that we can stay in original place at the 5th date. Anyways we stayed there one night and we were planned to go to Sapa at 2,3 and 4th date, so we packed some important things on us hand carry and left some clothes and a watch in the luggage. After check out from the place was staying we asked the owner to transfer the luggage to the place that we will stay on the 5th day.
5th day: Thankfully, she brought our luggage to in the room that I booked. HOWEVER, when I opened the luggage, ALL THE VALUABLE THINGS HAVE GONE in my luggage, such as Gucci watch and COS clothes. <-all the expensive brand value once. I asked the owner to investigate this issue and her first answer was; did you lock the luggage? I said no because I fully trusted that this is not going to be happened. Actually I forgot my password of the luggage and she was very sarcastically replied : “:))” and I felt that she is not helpful. Also, I told her that if this is not found I should go to police office and she told me “ok please go to police office we will work with them”. And asked us to check out 11:00am somehow even if the check out time is 11:00- 11:30am. This luggage was 100% handled by her employees so it is very suspicious that one of her employees took it. The owner was not nice all the way since the first date. I’m not saying that she is not friendly she was just being so sarcastic because, she never told me how to check out so I asked how to do check out? She said “oh! Super easy! :) you can put your key on the keyhole!” as if I am disturbing her. From the first date and last date I felt that someone ruined my staying in Hanoi. So I just have very bad experiences to stay in this hotel. No responsibility for anything and the owner’s attitude has no service mindset. Wondering how she can work for hospitality
한국분들을 위해 한국어로 남깁니다.
결론적으로 이 호텔에 머무는것을 한번 더 생각 해보시길 바래요, 저희는 하노이-사파-하노이 일정 이어서 하노이에 머무는 첫날과 마지막날을 이 호텔에 예약을 했습니다. 첫날에는 예약한곳에 전기 문제가 있다고 다른 주소를 보내주고 거기가서 하루를 지내라고 하더군요. 위치도 룸도 맘에 썩 들지도 않았지만 그냥 하루니깐 그러려니 하고 지냈어요. 마지막날에는 예약한곳에 꼭 머물수 있게 보장한다면서요. 당연한건데 인심 쓰듯이 말하더군요. 그러고 둘째날에 사파에 가는 일정인데 캐리어를 다 들고 가기가 좀 그래서 중요한 물건들만 속아 내어서 저희 핸드캐리 가방에 넣고 나머지 옷가지와 시계하나를 캐리어에 넣어놨습니다 제가 캐리어 비밀번호를 까먹어서 못잠궜지만 뭔 일있겠어 싶어서 잠구지 않고 이 가방을 우리가 예약한 호텔에 옮겨놔달라고 했습니다, 이 호텔 주인인지 매니저인지 알겠다고 했구요. 이 호텔주인은 처음부터 뭔가 꼬인것 처럼 자꾸 얘기를 했습니다. 그러고 사파 여행을 마치고 돌아와서 호텔방에 이미 저희의 캐리어를 놔뒀더라구요. 가방을 열어보니 시계와 시계 케이스가 통으로 날아가고, 코스 바지, 코스 티셔츠 등등 사라져서 호텔 주인에게 물어보니, 가방 잠궜냐 부터 물어보고 제가 아니라고 하니 웃는 이모지를 보내더군요? 니 잘못이네 이렇게 저는 들렸습니다. 가방을 잠구지 않고 물건을 챙기지 않은건 저의 잘못이 첫번째로 오는것 맞지만, 이 사람의 태도가 정말 별로 였습니더. 경찰에 가면 자기네들이 경찰이랑 얘기 하겠다는데, 베트남에서 물건 잃어버려도 못찾는걸 알고 이런식으로 행동하는 듯 했어요. 이 가방은 100% 자기네들 직원이 핸들링 했는데 말이죠 ㅋㅋ, 여튼 추천 하지 않아요. 호텔도 아니에요 그냥 에어비앤비 같은 느낌이구요. 프런트 데스크도 없고ㅠ언제 체크인하냐고 달달 볶기만 해요. 하노이에 있는 동안 여행은 즐겁게 했는데 마지막에 이런일이 발생해서 하노이사람들에 대한 이미지가 상당히 안좋아졌습니다. 이 가격으로 그냥 정상적인 호텔을 가심을 추천드립니다. 손님한테 수동적 공격형태로 짜증내고 이러는거 놀러와서 기분 잡치지 마세여, 돈 내고 숙소에 머무는데 제가 정신적으로 고생해야하네요
Thai Version ;
แนะนำว่าอย่ามาที่นี่ สิ่งของของคุณอาจจะหายได้และไม่มีการช่วยเหลือใดๆ