DON’T. Even Consider it it’s like visiting a 1960’s holiday camp. We were allocated this disgusting so called Hotel by Jet2 due to the cancellation of our flight from Tivat Airport because of bad weather. After spending approximately 7 hours in the Airport we did consider returning to the our holiday hotel but we were persuaded by theJet2 to accept their offer with assurances that it was a 4 star Hotel. Whilst the reception looked fairly impressive it soon became evident that it was a holiday complex having an advertised rating of 3.5 star rating , which I would question. The accommodation was housed in rundown scruffy blocks probably built in the 1960’s. The accommodation we were allocated some 3or4 hundred metres away and therefore had to manhandle all our luggage for this distance. When we arrived at the block, as the room was on the 3rd floor, having NO lift we then had to carry our cases up the external concrete stairs The entrance door to the room looked more like the entrance to a prison cell. The room did have basic facilities with the exemption of Hot Water and was reasonably clean and tidy. However speaking to other passengers, this was not what they experienced stating that they were faced with dirty and damp bedding, stained towels and black mould in the bathroom. I am aware one couple refused to stay in the room which they were allocated and moved to an alternative at 10.30 pm. During checkin we were given a card to present at the Restaurant to entitle to Dinner and Breakfast. The so called restaurant was approximately two hundred metres by way of a dark pathway. Whilst there was a fairly large selection of food , I found that so called hot food was only tepid. Our experience the following morning at breakfast was similar. As it was dark when attending the restaurant, (CANTEEN) on the evening we were unaware of the surrounding area towards the beach. The area adjacent was rundown having rubbish, discarded chairs etc, boarded up semi derelict cafes. The whole surroundings need to be demolished and cleared, this should also be extended to the Slovenska Plaza complex . On the morning of our departure we had to again carry our luggage down the stairs and drag them back to reception which was bit of an ordeal as my partner and I are both 78 years of age. Based on our experience this is NOT an establishment you should ever consider for a holiday as I can assure you that you will regret it. JUST DON’T GO THERE Whilst this review is addressed specifically about the Slovenska Plaza complex I cannot restrain myself from mentioning JET2 for the lack of respect they have show for us as Indulgent Escape customers. Whilst I would have been satisfied with a lesser standard than the 5star accommodation we had booked for the holiday. We would have been happy with a proper 4star HOTEL which we were assured of by their Representative.