Probably a small and famous coffee chain store in Zhengzhou, I saw many people have recommendations, because I love ditry, I still ran to their house to have a drink before leaving. This one is opened in the wooden shopping mall near Big Corn, on the 3rd floor, and there are some seats. His dirty house is very distinctive and has a variety of tastes. When I was struggling with what tastes, my brother said that you can try two new ones recently. Hahaha, you have a look, say it early, isn't the selection narrowed? Avocado and Phoenix single, I chose the latter, the former can probably imagine what taste, if I choose one, I still want to try the latter first. It happened that a girl next to it was also saying that the latter was better to drink, hahaha, decisive choice. Both of these are made of must-like butter cow milk, which is more smooth and fragrant. On the contrary, the expected phoenix single mussel fragrance feels a little bit of a feeling to drink until the end, but it is still delicious, not too heavy. I heard that the avocado is a bit tired~ Okay, I have also tasted the Hi Five recommended by everyone, thank you brother, come back next time~ #monthly special plan
Reviews of Hi Five百分五咖啡(人民路西里路店)
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Probably a small and famous coffee chain store in Zhengzhou, I saw many people have recommendations, because I love ditry, I still ran to their house to have a drink before leaving. This one is opened in the wooden shopping mall near Big Corn, on the 3rd floor, and there are some seats. His dirty house is very distinctive and has a variety of tastes. When I was struggling with what tastes, my brother said that you can try two new ones recently. Hahaha, you have a look, say it early, isn't the selection narrowed? Avocado and Phoenix single, I chose the latter, the former can probably imagine what taste, if I choose one, I still want to try the latter first. It happened that a girl next to it was also saying that the latter was better to drink, hahaha, decisive choice. Both of these are made of must-like butter cow milk, which is more smooth and fragrant. On the contrary, the expected phoenix single mussel fragrance feels a little bit of a feeling to drink until the end, but it is still delicious, not too heavy. I heard that the avocado is a bit tired~ Okay, I have also tasted the Hi Five recommended by everyone, thank you brother, come back next time~ #monthly special plan
偶遇的咖啡店,进门前就很喜欢,到店后两位小哥哥热情有礼貌,☕️咖啡点了美式、拿铁各一杯。店里的顾客不断(周内早上就超多人)然后还有citywalk的游戏,去其他店里集章得季卡,🥹蛮有意思的,整体来说感觉还不错,我这次盲盒不知道拆成功没有~#郑州咖啡 #郑州探店 #郑州咖啡店 #咖啡店
一到周末就下雨的那段时间也不影响出行 更适合无目的的citywalk一个人在下雨天走出🚇「人民路」地铁站偶遇【西里路】&【东里路】-站在分叉路口 等待着红绿灯的变化刚好绿灯 那就先走向东里路🚶路边都是可以直接走进的社区门洞🚪有临窗而产生的小小便利店🏪路过的共享单车 和电动车🛵马上就要消失的书店全部都是音乐相关的音乐艺术书店-走回西里路 路边高大的梧桐树会随风掉落雨滴☔️ 树皮🪵 叶子🍃西里路和人民路的交叉口是几家贴近开放的咖啡店和烘焙🥯大家坐在店门外的树下梧桐树挡住了散落的小雨 坐在这里享受生活「one berry」&「萤火豆行」&「hifive coffee」都在这里-从西里路一直向西走 可以通往二七路在这路上 可以感受到人间烟火气路边有各种相机📷店贴了满墙拍立得照片的「张二的店」 也在这-从不会因为下雨天就影响出发计划阴霾的下雨天也会因为citywalk而漫游美好生活
Sweet☻拼拼凑凑の日子下雪了🌨️不如一个人出去走走 和自己约会一场☕在这里如云朵☁️般缱绻柔软的咖啡☕🈶也有弥漫着清冷梅子味的冰咖啡☕最最最惊喜的是竟然还有咖啡☕➕酒🍸(早c晚a🈶)新品是『无常』🔸很浓郁的香味 或许有肉桂和坚果 绵密的奶泡➕香甜的饼干🍪使得咖啡☕的口感更加浓郁丰满,像碰着一杯热咖啡在圣诞节🎄冰咖啡点了『莫波格美式』🔸清冷的梅子味➕咖啡研磨出的香味和酸味,搭配窗外的雪景,酸甜裹夹着咖啡的香味在舌尖弥漫,很有意思的口感离开时点了『亢奋』🔸就是说成年人的世界不能没有咖啡☕和酒🍸青苹果🍏汁➕蜂蜜伏特加🍯➕大西洋金酒,跳跳糖🍬的存在让这杯口感更加调皮丰富起来,微醺上头加上咖啡的沉静浓郁,酒蒙子必点!!! (不要🚫空腹喝酒🍺上头超级快)❗唯一的缺点就是店太小了可能其他门店空间会大一点去的比较晚了所以没有抢到位置,就在隔壁甜品店(两个店互通的)坐了一下午 但是咖啡师☕超级帅㊙️㊙️㊙️门口的位置也挺好的 下次可以早一点去!🏆他家价格比起来『洗耳恭听』会更好一点,可能因为连锁店的原因,经常有很多活动(千万不要错过买一赠一的活动 我后悔到肠子都青了)👍🏻非常出片的同时,不懂咖啡的人也能喝出来好喝的程度。推荐程度:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐#玩雪行为大赏 #2023年的第一次旅行 #360度打开玩雪新思路 #去了还想去的地方
郑州|只有时精们才知道街头咖啡店郑州越来越时暑了,太多好拍好喝的街头咖啡店,喜叔整理了下:1大鱼便利店白咖夜酒,很有感觉傍晚时分,坐在店外看人来人往,好不浪漫人均402绽放咖啡号称郑州最美独栋木屋咖啡馆,超有氛围感人均70(咖啡十甜品)3Echo Coffee 一家风格明显的咖啡馆,哈利波特风。黄油啤酒和草莓 dirty 可以喝一喝人均40④ PINKBAR 西餐吧工业风,有咖有酒有餐牛臀意面推荐人均605DEEP COFFEE 主打精品咖啡都文化品牌爱咖啡你可以喝手冲人均50固未完待续平等街最大最温柔的咖啡馆生椰拿铁和巧克力蛋糕推荐人均40 ZHi Five 百分百咖啡我的 zui 爱,他家的 dirty 在我心中排第一人均40周末探店#郑州探店可以选择一家喜欢的咖啡馆,沉浸式体验下爱社交的你说不定还能认识一些有趣的灵魂你最喜欢哪个店铺啊?位置西里路郑州市金水区金水区还有那些好看好喝的店铺评论区推荐哦!先赞后藏好运连连#咖啡馆 #冬天该有的样子 #网红咖啡馆 #网红探店 #郑州网红打卡地