Best Restaurants in June in Yunnan (Updated 2024)

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#1 of Fine Dining in Kunming
80 Reviews
RUB6422Yunnan CuisineSpectacular Views
WWDXCuifu is a top-ranked Chinese restaurant in Kunming. The location is excellent and the door is Cuihu. The restaurant is a building with a Republic of China style. There are not many seats in the lobby and the decoration is high-end and elegant. The family's birthday is set here, and the stay is given a good window seat as required. The unit price of its dishes is quite expensive. If there is no group purchase, 500 per capita may not be happy. The most wanted to eat Cuifu dumpling Dongpo meat epidermis is sweet and crispy, sprinkled with caviar, and the passion lotus juice can properly solve the sweetness and greasyness. Yunnan black truffle fungus fragrant cloth bag The appearance is very high, the special smell of black truffle is good, but the cold dishes are more suitable. The skin of the citrus glass pigeon is particularly crispy, but a bit salty. The family praised the best fungus fried rice that I have ever eaten. The fungus is rich and the rice particles are clear. Huojia Milk Cake Most Yunnan people love the dishes, the taste is great Wild fungus royal soup One person, the soup is delicious Sheep belly mushroom vegetables The vegetables are just right, and they actually eat a crispy feeling White Bovine Liver Fry Snow Beef A dish with a unit price of more than 600, and the quality of the cattle is good. The entrance is full of milk, but it is still slightly salty Black truffle ~ small green dragon The meat is tight and elastic, much better than some high-end self-service Jasmine milk frozen The milk taste is very strong, but I didn't feel the aroma of jasmine. These dishes used group purchases for nearly 1500. If you don’t buy it, you almost double it...

9Wozai Dali Dengni

1,567 Reviews
RUB1276Yunnan Cuisine
余维佳Come to Dali, Yunnan 🔥 repeatedly punched in this Bai food restaurant at the foot of Cangshan Mountain! If you ask me which online celebrity restaurant in Dali is delicious, then I have a say! Come to Dali, come to this Fangzhou Fat Restaurant! 🌸 Store name: Dali Fangzhou Fatzi • I am waiting for your store in Dali 🛣 Address: No. 498, lower section of Renmin Road (Southwest corner of the intersection of Dongyu Street and Renmin Road) 🔥 The first time I came to Dali, I was happy on the way from the train station through the old city of Dali to the ancient city. The fire on the skyside was burning. The occasional sea on the road, and the seagulls hovering over the sea! Dali, I finally came~🔥 The deliciousness of wild mushroom soup pot wild mushroom soup pot can be said to be not even seafood. The soup is really fried chicken is invincible and sweet. The chicken soup with ox belly fungus, bamboo shoots, chicken stew fungus, yellow umbrellas and picky food people have to drink two big bowls! ! 🔥 fried rice greens come to Dali to eat really are ingredients and delicacies that have not been tasted before. The silky oily rice greens are very special, and the crispy and smooth taste is very awkward! 🔥 truffle scrambled eggs are the most expensive dish in their home, but the price is very high! The ingredients of this dish are really sufficient, but it is simply the standard of a state banquet! 🔥 The fresh beef meat is particularly delicious and full of taste. It is really full of happiness and satisfaction when you eat it in your mouth!