Best Restaurants in June in Maldives (Updated 2024)

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5 Reviews
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拍了拍你说该出门玩了🌊 This time, I embarked on the journey of Aoqi Island in the Maldives, as if I had entered the paradise in the movie! Blue sky and white clouds, green sea water, everything was like a dream. ------------------------------👇 There are surprises in the end! Stay up late to summarize, the babies who brushed are blessed ------------------------------🏝️ Play Raiders: Aoqi Island is really beautiful! We live in a beach villa, and we can hear the sound of the waves every morning, which is like a natural alarm clock. The facilities on the island are perfect, with four small islands, and there is a wooden bridge connection between them. Walking on the bridge, you can also see the super beautiful scenery of the lagoon! In addition to the beautiful view outside the room, there is also the third resort in the Maldives with an underwater restaurant! Dining in the restaurant is like in the underwater world, and all kinds of fish are swimming in front of you, which is amazing. 🎉 Travel tips: 1️⃣ Be sure to book the location of the underwater restaurant in advance, otherwise you may miss this awesome experience. 2️⃣ The all-inclusive one-price all-inclusive on the island is really convenient. Three meals and drinks are included, as well as various water activities and sea projects to choose from. 3️⃣ Remember to take more photos! The scenery here is really 360-degree beauty without dead ends. 💖 Itinerary Feeling: This trip is really great! Butler service is super thoughtful, let us feel the warmth of home. The scenery is also so beautiful that people are intoxicated. It is so happy to see different sunset scenery every day. 💎 Summary: Aoqi Island in the Maldives is really a place where you don't want to leave when you go. The beauty, food and service here are all lingering. If you want to go to a place like a movie paradise for vacation, then don't miss Okushima! 🌴✨🌊