Ticket Booking and Pick-up

Train Booking

Step 1: Select departure and arrival stations
Step 2: Select departure date
Step 3: If you want to book a return ticket, select the return date
Step 4: Choose the most suitable train from the train list and confirm the desired seat class
Step 5: Enter passenger and contact information
Step 6: Choose payment method

How to Pick-up Tickets

China Railway and Hong Kong cross-boundary trains have fully implemented electronic tickets, and paper tickets are not required for both adult and child tickets.

If the ID document used for ticket booking is a passport, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents, Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents, Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Residents, or PRC Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card, please use the manually staffed channel to enter and exit the station. If the ID document used for ticket booking is a mainland Chinese ID card, you can directly swipe your ID card to enter and exit the station.

In case of any issues, you can show your ticket pick-up number to the staff (which can be found on your train ticket booking details page).

Taking the Train

Hong Kong Cross-boundary Train Travel

On the day of taking the high-speed train, passengers can complete the real-name verification, security check, customs clearance, and boarding procedures as early as 120 minutes before the train departs, with the process taking about 30–45 minutes at the fastest. Additional time is required for travel on weekends, holidays, or during summer vacation, or for passengers using passports or who need to use the exit inspection counter.

1. Real-name Authentication and Ticket Check-in

Go to the ticket hall on B1 floor and complete the real-name verification and ticket check-in process through the self-service gates or staff-assisted counters.

2. Security Check Procedure

Follow the instructions to complete luggage and security checks.

3. Customs Clearance Procedure

Go to the departure hall on B3 floor to complete immigration procedures for Hong Kong and mainland China.

4. Boarding

Please proceed to the ticket gate for the train located on B3 level. Enter the gate and board the train with your identification. The gate typically opens 15 minutes before departure and closes 5 minutes before departure. The actual ticket inspection time is subject to the real-time information at the specific station's ticket gate.

5. Arrival at Mainland China Stations

Use the ID document used for ticket booking to exit the gate.

Mainland China Train Travel

Follow the pictures and steps below to board the train.

Step 1: Enter the station

Show the valid ID used when booking the ticket to station staff to enter the station. Valid ID types include mainland Chinese ID card, passport, Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Residents. If required, you may need to show the relevant booking information.

Step 2: Check the electronic screen

Find your platform on the electronic screens at the station

Step 3: Check gate

Find the gate for your train on the electronic screen in the station. Head to the area near your gate and wait for boarding to begin.

Step 4: Go through ticket gates

Show the valid ID used at the time of booking to the attendant. ID types include passports, Mainland China ID cards, Residence Permits for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Residents, etc.
Pass through the gate and find the correct platform for your train.
On the platform, we recommend asking the attendant the correct boarding location for your carriage.

Step 5: Boarding

Find the carriage and seat number according to the ticket information.

Child Tickets

How do I book child tickets?

Children's tickets are issued under real-name registration. Please use the child's own ID document when booking child tickets. When you book a child ticket, Trip.com will first charge the price of an adult ticket. Once the child ticket has been issued, Trip.com will refund the price difference between the adult ticket and the actual price of the child ticket to your original account of payment.

Each adult passenger with a ticket can bring only one child for free. If an adult passenger is traveling with more than one child, additional child tickets must be purchased.

Children's discounted tickets are available for regular passenger train tickets, express train tickets, air-conditioned train tickets, and high-speed train seat tickets. The price of children's discounted tickets on regular passenger trains is calculated as 50% of the published ticket price for corresponding passenger tickets and additional tickets. When children traveling for free or with discounted child tickets use a sleeper berth separately, the full price of the sleeper berth ticket will be charged. If there is air conditioning, half the price of the air-conditioned train ticket will be charged.

Passenger Age Seat AvailabilityTicket Type
Under 6 years oldNo seat requiredFree
6 to under 14 years oldSeat requiredChild ticket
14 years old and aboveSeat requiredAdult ticket

How can children travel on trains?

Children traveling for free and children who meet the conditions for using child tickets should travel together with an adult. The date, train number, and seat type on the child ticket should match the adult ticket. The child's destination cannot be further than the destination of the accompanying adult.

If child tickets are changed, they must be changed together with the corresponding adult tickets. Children cannot travel on trains alone.


How can I change trains?

1. To make sure your transfer is as smooth as possible, please pick up tickets for all parts of your trip before the departure of your first train.
2. If you have a long transfer duration, after alighting, you may want to ask station staff whether there's a way to directly access the waiting area for your connecting train. If there isn't, you'll need to exit and re-enter the station.
3. If the transfer duration is short, after alighting at the transfer station, we recommend asking staff on the platform how to get to the platform for your connecting train.
4. If you are not able to make your connecting train because the first train on your itinerary was delayed, you can change your ticket when transferring for another train departing before 24:00 on the same day. If you're not able to change your ticket, go to a station ticket window and request a refund. Generally, there won't be a fee for doing this, but policies vary by station and Trip.com cannot accept liability in the event you are charged.
5. If passengers incur ticket-related losses due to uncontrollable factors, Trip.com cannot accept liability.
