Umbria, Italy| How many colors are there in this sunset?
| How many colors are there in this sunset?.This is not a fairy tale, this is Umbria, Italy|||Umbria (Italian: Umbria), located in the central part of Italy, with its idyllic countryside and mountains, the picturesque Umbria is known as the "green heart of Italy". At the same time, the beautiful and mysterious medieval mountain villages are also one of the reasons why Umbria is famous. The capital of the region is Perugia, with a population of 150,000. It is 150 kilometers away from Rome, the capital of Italy, and Florence, which is famous for culture, art and fashion. The transportation by car, train or plane is very convenient.
In Umbria, art and architecture, city and countryside, everything is so harmonious. Among them, the must-see monuments are the cathedrals of the cities of Orvieto and Spoleto. The grand palaces of Perugia, Todi, and Gubbio; the rectangular cathedral of Assisi, the hometown of St. Francis; the well-preserved medieval towns of Narni, Amelia, Foligno, Città di Castello and Todi; the quiet and bright Lake Trasimeno; the pure and open Narni Valley and the Sibillini Mountains that have preserved many mysterious legends... Everyone who has stopped in Umbria is intoxicated by its ever-changing and distinctive natural scenery. As early as the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, many artists have competed to depict her beauty.