Mon Bridge
Tip 4: Focus on content related to tourist attractions and accommodations
1) Focus more on tourist attractions and accommodations reviews than food content.
2) Food content must consist of at least 5 photos and should include pictures of the restaurant atmosphere.
3) You should choose a picture of the restaurant atmosphere as the cover photo, or if you choose a food picture as the cover photo, edit the picture and include the restaurant name in the text.
4) Food content should include useful information, such as which tourist attractions or accommodations are near it, how much it costs, what are the recommended menu items, etc.
Tip 5: Enter the location of the place
1) Enter the location of the place as accurately as possible.
2) If you can't find the location of the desired place, choose the closest place. For example, if you want to enter the location of a cafe in Bangsaen but can't find the name of the cafe, choose Bangsaen Beach instead.
3) If you can't find the location of the desired place, choose a sub-district. District or province instead
Secret tip 6: Add relevant hashtags
1) Choose recommended hashtags in the application
2) Add general hashtags related to the content, such as #accommodationreview #beachvacation, etc.
Secret tip 7: Everyone likes fun videos
1) Video length of at least 10 seconds
2) Clear focus, no shaking, smooth editing
3) Interesting content, multiple angles
4) You can add background music, subtitles, or voiceovers
Secret tip 4: Focus on content related to tourist attractions and accommodations
1) Focus more on reviewing tourist attractions and accommodations than food content
2) Food content must consist of at least 5 photos and should include pictures of the restaurant atmosphere
3) You should choose a picture of the restaurant atmosphere as the cover photo, or if you choose a food picture as the cover photo, edit the picture and include the restaurant name in the text
4) Food content should include useful information, such as which tourist attractions or accommodations are near it, and how much it costs What is the recommended menu?
Secret 5: Enter the location of the place
1) You should enter the location of the place as accurately as possible.
2) If you can't find the location of the desired place, choose the closest place. For example, if you want to enter the location of a cafe in Bangsaen but can't find the name of the cafe, choose Bangsaen Beach instead.
3) If you can't find the location of the desired place, choose to enter the sub-district, district or province instead.
Secret 6: Enter relevant hashtags
1) Choose recommended hashtags in the application.
2) Enter general hashtags related to the content, such as #accommodationreview #seasidevacation, etc.
Secret 7: Everyone likes fun videos.
1) The video should be at least 10 seconds long.
2) The focus should be clear, the image should not shake, and the editing should be smooth.
3) The content should be interesting and have images from multiple angles.
4) You can add background music, subtitles or voice acting.