Fengyu Ancient Town in Yunnan, Er Yuan
The Fengyu ancient architectural complex is located within the territory of Fengyu Town, Er Yuan County. The complex was built during the Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China periods, and it primarily consists of ancient temples, monasteries, pagodas, archways, residential houses, and screen walls, among other ancient relics. The ancient temples, monasteries, and pagodas particularly reflect the integration of Bai ethnic culture and religious culture. The fourteen residential courtyards are typical representatives of the Bai ethnic residential architecture, featuring the 'three rooms and one screen wall' and 'four sides and five courtyards' layout. The entire architectural group has significant historical, cultural, and artistic value.
The ancient architectural complex includes: Fengxiang Academy, Fengyu Martial Temple, Sanjiao Officer, Helin Temple, Emperor Shishan Ancient Temple Complex, Zhenshui Cui, Liufoshuang Cui, Daguanlu Archway, Shi Jie's Former Residence, Yin Sihai's House, Zhao Peishou's House, Xiaoqing Oil House, Shi Jihe's House, Zhang Gouquan's House, Yang Chisheng's House, Yang Ying's House, Jun Yuanpeng and other households, Zhang Zhongqin and other households, Li Jiasong and other households, Feng Shoujun and other households, Shi Shoulong and other households, Zhao Hui