: Bachelor
: Bachelor Ski Resort
From the portland, you can drive to the town of Bond in three hours. There is the sixth-ranked snow field in the United States: the bachelor ski resort [smirk] we will be here for 2 days. Ski training.
General locals will bring their own ski equipment. The first day after we rent the ski on the first day, we will record the size of our feet, the size of the skateboard, etc., and save a lot of time.
The first day from 10 am to 4 pm, slipped for nearly 6 hours, the snow is superb! The point is that people are really super small and super! At the end of the second day, we went to the high-level slide. If we got down, we wouldnt say it.
At night, stay at the amazing Tetherow Hotel, just outside the golf course. The hotel has a free shuttle bus service! Its a great pleasure to have a few drinks in the hotel by the warm stove during the day. If you don't ski, you can also stroll in the town of bend.