It should
It should have been gone twice. The first time I went to the night and sold out all the time, I drank a cup of coffee, and the result was still going. In a windy and sunny afternoon, I ate a large bowl of no digested fruit. Going again, don't say that the car is riding in this area, the small wind is particularly comfortable. Or the old place, the time period that may be chosen is not bad, there are still seats, but it is outdoor, there are flying trees falling down on the big trees and falling on the thick wooden long table. If I use video in slow motion, I must bring it. sense.
I am advanced to order a single, the variety is not particularly large, but the value is quite high, especially with apples and oranges, the price is not cheap, similar to lady m, to eat It tastes a lot better, the sweetness is controlled very accurately, not greasy.
ordered a chestnut balsamic vinegar cake, I dig it out and eat it. I like it most; the favorite is the milk chocolate rum cake, the wine is not particularly strong, but the chocolate part is amazing, the top is decorated The flowers are also very elegant, black and white; strawberry verbena grapefruit cake, good-looking is good-looking, I dig a bite to eat is not very special, the most remaining one; apple cumin digging open inside the flesh, looks like, The taste is not bad. It is worthwhile to try every one of them. I must go to a pot of tea. When I order, the tea sets are used up. The business is so good that I have no friends. I only drink some coffee and Paris water. When I go back, I will not have to eat a few. And tried it.