2025 Leshan Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

True to its name, Leshan is a "city of mountains and rivers". The landscape here is magnificent, with many historic sites, and it is one of Sichuan's great tourist destinations. Mount Emei, in the area of Leshan, is one of the four great Buddhist mountains in China. Deep in the mountains, there are many temples, suffusing the area with a serene Buddhist atmosphere. From here you can also gaze out at the sunrise and the sea of clouds. The Giant Buddha is also a scenic spot you absolutely must visit. Designed as a statue of a seated Maitreya Buddha, it is a fine work of cliff-carving from the Tang Dynasty. Additionally, you can take a ride on the "living fossil of the Industrial Revolution", widely known as the "Jiayang small train". Chugging cheerfully along in the mountain wilderness showcases the elegance of trains made in the local area.
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Popular Attractions
Emei Mountain (266)
Leshan Giant Buddha (225)
Heizhugou (23)
Oriental Buddha Capital (11)
Jiayang Narrow-Gauge Train (6)
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