Departing from Chengdu for 1h‖There's actually a dinosaur kingdom in southern Sichuan!

I really want to strongly recommend this super dreamy dinosaur kingdom to everyone! The severely underrated treasure city of southern Sichuan! The unforgettable Zigong cuisine, the mysterious prehistoric world that I would visit over and over again. I always drag my friends to return to the primitive era. . 📍Name: Zigong World Geopark Dinosaur Park 🚄Transport: 1 hour by high-speed train from Chengdu, 25 minutes by high-speed train from Yibin directly to Zigong. . ✅【I would be sad if you don't try these attractions, OK?】 1️⃣【Flight】, Recommended: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I won't allow anyone who comes here to miss 【Flight】, as the ace attraction here, it's like riding on the back of a dragon, fully feeling the dinosaur's perspective and speed! 2️⃣【Dinosaur Crisis】, Recommended: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chase after the dinosaurs that are destroying the city in a cyberpunk future city, as if you're really in a desperate race car saving the world! 3️⃣【Journey to the Center of the Earth】, Recommended: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The mysterious and deep heart of the earth awaits as you ride the mine cart into the unknown world! The unknown mysterious space really makes one's hair stand on end. 4️⃣Jungle Drifting (raincoat required), Recommended: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Drift in the tropical rainforest, with occasional steep slopes, surrounded by dinosaurs and rainforest, and sometimes there is a sudden downpour. 5️⃣Brave Dinosaur Valley (raincoat required), Recommended: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ride the dinosaur train from the high skull of a dinosaur and rush down, splashing up rapids and spray. . 📷Dinosaur Kingdom Photo Check-in Spot Secret Recommendations 1️⃣【Bronze Sacrifice】 entrance plaza The huge Sanxingdui masks and sacrificial columns, it's like breaking into a mysterious alien world! It is recommended to run towards the columns with the person facing them. 2️⃣【Flight】 hall entrance The super large flying dinosaur is spreading its wings, it is recommended to take a low-angle shot of the person with the dinosaur as the background. 3️⃣【Light of Life】 hall entrance Future comic city architectural style! It is recommended to take a side shot. . ✅Dinosaur Kingdom Special Performances 1️⃣Boonie Bears: Back to the Jurassic Follow the trio of Bear Strong on an adventure, with the whole scene following Bear Two's perspective, very immersive! 2️⃣Soaring into the Blue Sky A large-scale live-action performance with stunning visual impact, taking you back to the primitive to experience the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. . ❤️Essential Tips for Visiting Dinosaur Kingdom 1️⃣Download the "Fantawild Travel" app in advance, you can book real-life performances and queue virtually, and understand the queue situation of each attraction in real-time. 2️⃣The current operating hours of Zigong Fantawild are 9:00-21:00, super long hours! 3️⃣Fantawild's Dragon New Year Celebration in 2024! From the first to the sixteenth day of the Lunar New Year, there is a dinosaur parade every day from 4:30 to 5:00 pm! Mecha dinosaur floats and themed formations are shockingly new! There are also hundreds of NPCs interacting with tourists! 4️⃣You can't miss the New Year's Eve celebration performances and the Snow Carnival during the Spring Festival!! There are also New Year fireworks shows! Let's celebrate the New Year together!
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 28, 2024
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