
The starry sky and the prairie need no filters

We camped overnight directly at the Little Horse Plateau that evening! We had prepared food in advance, enjoyed hotpot and stargazing at night, watched the sunrise in the morning, and the kids had a great time running and horse riding on the grassland. It was really delightful😃. 📍Navigation: Sanquan Lake Scenic Area (the camping site is next to Little Horse Plateau) 💰Admission: 49 yuan/person (admission to Little Horse Plateau is free with a ticket to Sanquan Lake) 🅿️Parking fee: 10 yuan/time, plenty of parking spaces 🗓Travel date: 2023.10.15 🏕After entering, you can freely choose your camping spot, set up wherever you want, and every location has a great view👍. 🏕At night, you can see many stars, which are beautifully reflected with the lights below the mountain🌌. 🏕There are toilets and water available, so there's no need to bring your own water for daily use (but you can't take showers). 🏕There is a vending machine for drinks and snacks🥤. 🏕The visitor center has charging stations for temporarily charging mobile phones🔋. 🏕You can do archery (free), dress up (50 yuan/day), and horse riding (prices vary from 38 to 88 yuan depending on the route). 🏕Be careful with charcoal fires, there are staff patrolling during the day, and it's important to be safe and protect the grassland🌱! 🏕The service center provides tables and stools, which you can use for free if you didn't bring your own. 🏕Tents can be rented (98 yuan/night), but don't expect too much from the quality of the sleeping bags (some are dirty). 🏕In the morning, you can enjoy the sunrise, and there are fewer visitors in the morning, making a walk on the prairie very healing🥰. 🏕The view is very open, making it a favorite for campers🥳. ⚠️When camping, be sure to bring a camping car! ⚠️There are many horses in the park, which are in a free-range state, so there is a bit more horse manure; pay attention when setting up tents and walking. ⚠️The wind is strong on the mountain, so if the tent is not very wind-resistant, try to set up behind the red house and closer to the toilets. ⚠️The prairie is open with few trees, so be sure to prepare sun protection🧴. ⚠️The scenic area is not very large, and you can walk through the whole area in less than 1 hour. ⚠️There are no places within the scenic area that provide food, so be sure to prepare in advance😉.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: May 7, 2024
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xiao ma gao yuan

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