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πŸŒ…πŸšŠ Sunset Spectacle: Trams and Tranquility at Dom Luis I Bridge πŸŒ‰πŸŒ‡

Basking in the ultimate sunset experience, the picturesque scene unfolds as trams gracefully traverse the iconic Dom Luis I Bridge. πŸŒ…πŸšŠ Set against the warm hues of the descending sun, the bridge becomes a stage for the mesmerizing dance of trams, creating a harmonious blend of motion and tranquility. πŸŒ‰βœ¨ Captivated by the serenity of the moment, spectators find solace in the beauty of the sun-kissed skyline, with trams weaving through the architectural masterpiece. πŸŒ‡πŸšŠ As the day bids farewell, the bridge transforms into a canvas, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, offering a breathtaking vista for those who relish the artistry of sunsets. πŸŒ†πŸšŠ cr:oneworldjustgo
Posted: Jan 22, 2024
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LuΓ­s I Bridge

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Porto has surely gained a lot of attention over the last few years, and for good reasons: it’s vibrant, colorful, easy, not expensive at all and you can get everywhere on foot! As soon as I stepped out of the SΓ£o Bento station right before sunset I was invested by the energy of this city and started exploring every part of it, starting from the Dom Luis I bridge over the Douro river, which is definitely the first stop I suggest to have a fantastic view of Porto and its prominent Ribeira district. What I loved the most was wandering through its steep, colorful alleys that are still incredibly authentic and mostly untouched. Put in some good, comfortable shoes then get lost in this part of the city. At the top of the city there are some incredible churches, like Igreja do Carmo and Capela das almas: these two have some amazing facades entirely covered by tens of thousands of blue tiles called β€œazulejos”. You can see these azulejos across the city in other spots too, including the station as mentioned earlier of SΓ£o Bento. A 15-minute bus or train ride will get you to the beach to breath in some air from the Atlantic Ocean. You can either go to the lighthouse at Foz do Douro or head over to Senhor da Pedra’s beach, notable for its small church on the rocks! A visit to Porto (and Portugal in general) is not complete without eating a lot of pasteis de nata as well. They sell these yummy pastries everywhere, but some places are better than others: don’t miss those at Mantegaira and Combi cafΓ¨! #portugal #porto #ribeira #azulejos #travel #awesomepic