Foodie Nomads

"Reunion Sanxingdui", see the past and present of Deyang

Sichuan Deyang is an important part of the Chengdu Plain urban agglomeration. It has a long history and splendid culture. It is a city full of charm and vitality that combines natural scenery, cultural landscapes, and technological experiences. It is also one of the important industrial cities in western China. The economic development of Deyang City is dominated by manufacturing, among which machinery manufacturing, energy and chemical industry, food processing and other industries are the pillar industries of Deyang City. The first time I came here, I had the opportunity to visit the clean energy equipment 5G full-link digital factory of Dongfang Steam Turbine, and also went to Teslian AICITY to feel the charm of artificial intelligence, saw the cute dancing robot, and deeply understood the rapid development of Deyang in recent years and future planning in the Tianfu Digital Valley Planning Museum. I hope this city will develop better and better. Coming to Deyang, we have to mention Gao Huai Village, which used to be a poor land. Now it has changed into a popular place for young people to check in with the introduction of homestay food, coffee industry. It's a wonderful thing to invite three or five friends to drink coffee or tea, eat local food, and enjoy the slow life on weekends. Shifang Red Bean Village in Deyang is also a must-visit place. It is famous for red beans. The red bean trees in the village have a history of more than 1200 years. It is said that they were planted by the poet Du Fu when he was "rained in the forest" in Shigu Town. The tree is 50 meters high and requires 4 people to hug it. The thickness of the tree pole and the beauty of the tree shape can be called the crown of Sichuan. There are zoos, Yue Lao Temple, wedding culture experience hall in the scenic area, and you can also take a small train to the big lawn to feed pigeons, swim in the flower sea to take beautiful pictures, and there are also children's amusement park, desert botanical garden, etc., suitable for places with children. In the evening, it is most suitable to go to Huayi Star Theater to watch the immersive performance of "Reunion Sanxingdui". You can also interact with the actors on the spot, travel through time and space together, explore the ancient Shu culture, and experience the past and present of Deyang. The Star Theater takes "Reunion Sanxingdui" as the main line, with the story of Sanxingdui as the origin, showing the moving and tearful historical stories, cultural essence and modern style on the land of Bashu. The brilliant Sanxingdui, the mysterious ancient Shu Kingdom, the fighting hero Huang Jiguang, the super cute panda, the "5·12" earthquake relief, the third line spirit, the heavy equipment of the big country, etc., are condensed into unforgettable drama moments here. The designer creates the stage beauty based on the understanding and imagination of the ancient Shu culture. Finally, you can go to the Confucius Temple Square, put on Hanfu and feel like you have traveled back to ancient times. Feel the grand lighting ceremony on the spot, the festive atmosphere of lanterns and festoons, the colorful folk activities, bring a wonderful cultural feast for citizens and tourists, and fully feel the night romance of Deyang...
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 9, 2024
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