2025 Turpan Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Situated on the Silk Road, Turpan is a bridge between East and West. The city is home to over 200 historical ruins. It is also one of the two largest centers of Uighur culture, which has its own unique cuisine, music, folk dances, religious customs and architecture. Turpan is known for its stunning desert landscape — major attractions include Grape Valley, the Flaming Mountains and the Kumtag Desert. Local produce includes grapes and melons.
󱦴Today's Weather
Hazy 4-19℃
Popular Attractions
Flaming Mountain Scenic Area (65)
Kumtag Desert (41)
Grape Valley In Turpain (36)
The Ancient City of Jiaohe (20)
Turpan Karez Museum of Folklore (17)
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