In the Baisha Ancient Town at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the location of the homestay is hard to find. I used the navigation to enter the village, and there were a few old ladies sitting and chatting. I was shocked and thought I had found the wrong place. The young lady went out to meet us before we entered the room. In fact, it is a house built by rural people. We booked a room on the first floor. The room was very clean, and the bathroom was also clean. However, there were no curtains on the balcony on the first floor. We could only close the balcony door when we went to bed at night, so the privacy was not good. It was very cold at night and the air conditioner couldn't be turned up high. Maybe this is the condition at the foot of the mountain. You can see the snow-capped mountains from the rooftop, but the photo taking effect is not good because there are many telephone poles. The housekeeper Ah Wen was very familiar with several popular check-in spots in the surrounding area and drove us there. Although we paid for the car fare, we were very satisfied because they were familiar with these places. At least we didn't make any mistakes and started taking pictures as soon as we arrived. The rice noodles made for breakfast are delicious.
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