Wenzhou Yongjia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel

Wenzhou Yongjia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel Reviews

Wenzhou Yongjia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel

Hengda Plaza, qiaoxia town, Yongjia, Zhejiang, ChinaView Hotel Details
Wenzhou Yongjia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel
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Wenzhou Yongjia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel Guest Reviews

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2-bed Room
Business travelers
31 review
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Best in town!!
Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客:您好!最好的廣告是客人口口相傳的推薦,非常榮幸我們的服務能得到您的認可。期待着您的下次入住
Anonymous User
2-bed Room
Solo travelers
38 review
Very Good
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您的鼓勵和肯定!我們所追求的就是讓顧客感動,“當顧客有困難需要幫助時,讓顧客感動的機會就到了”,“親情一家人”的服務品牌堅持了 N 年一直不變,因為有您的認可和鼓勵,我們將傳遞給所有員工,這是對我們最大的獎賞,我們將更加努力!期待您的再次光臨!
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Queen Room
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2 review
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The front desk management system is poor and I had to wait half an hour to book a room. The biggest advantage is that the police station comes to remind you to pay attention to safety.
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Response from Property: [General Manager’s Reply] First of all, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you encountered during your stay. Regarding the issue with the front-end management system, we understand your troubles and have urgently arranged a technical team to optimize it to ensure that similar situations will not happen again in the future. At the same time, we are also very grateful for your recognition of our safety measures. This is the service tenet we have always adhered to. 🙏We will continue to work hard to improve service quality so that every guest can enjoy a smoother and more enjoyable stay. Thank you again for your valuable comments. If you have more feedback or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. 😊Qiaoxia Kaiyuan Yiju Hotel welcomes your next visit!
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2-bed Room
3 review
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The smell is so strong, a very exaggerated smell of sweat. I have never stayed in a hotel that smelled so strong of sweat. Are they never cleaned?
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Response from Property: [General manager’s reply] Hello, I’m very sorry to hear that you encountered such a problem during your stay. Our goal is to provide a clean and comfortable living environment for every guest, and clearly we failed to do so this time. Regarding the room hygiene issues you mentioned, we have immediately launched an investigation and strengthened cleaning and ventilation procedures. 🙏We will retrain our cleaning staff to ensure every room meets our high standards. Thank you very much for your feedback, it is crucial for us to improve our service. 🚀I hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future and feel our improvements personally. 🙏We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
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Queen Room
Business travelers
23 review
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The bathroom space is small and communication with the front desk is difficult
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Response from Property: [Reply from the General Manager] Thank you very much for taking the time to give us feedback on your stay experience. We sincerely apologize for the issues you mentioned about the small bathroom space and difficulty in communication with the front desk🙏. We will immediately start improving the space design of the bathroom and strive to provide a more comfortable environment🛁. In addition, regarding front desk communication issues, we will strengthen staff training📚 to improve their communication skills and service levels👨‍💼👩‍💼. Every one of your suggestions is very important to us and we will do our best to do better🌟. Thank you again for your feedback and hope you can give us the opportunity to serve you again. 🙏💼
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Queen Room
Business travelers
2 review
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The hotel is not cost-effective and the breakfast is not great.
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Response from Property: [General Manager’s reply] I’m sorry to hear that your experience with our hotel was unsatisfactory😔. Regarding the issue of cost-effectiveness, we will carefully review our pricing strategy to ensure that we provide customers with more attractive prices. Regarding the quality of breakfast, we will also communicate with the catering team immediately and make improvements to meet your expectations🍳🥐. We attach great importance to your feedback and promise to make improvements in these areas. We hope to have the opportunity to provide you with better services in the future🙏. Thanks again for your comments and wish you a happy life! 🌟
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Business travelers
20 review
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Too bad, the toilet smells bad and the noise outside the window is loud
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Response from Property: [General manager’s reply] Dear guest, hello! 😔We are deeply sorry for the odor problems in the toilet and noise outside the window that you encountered during your stay. This is by no means the level of service our hotel should have. 🙏 Regarding the issue of toilet odor, we have notified the maintenance team to conduct a thorough inspection and repair, and will strengthen daily hygiene management. Regarding the noise problem outside the window, we will further optimize the room sound insulation measures, and will also communicate with surrounding facilities to minimize noise interference. 🏨Once again, we sincerely apologize for your unpleasant experience and hope you can give us a chance to make it right. Thank you for your feedback. We will continue to work hard to improve service quality and look forward to providing you with a more satisfactory stay experience in the future. 🌟
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Guest User
Business travelers
20 review
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Poor breakfast, bad service
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Response from Property: Dear guests: Hello! Thank you very much for sharing your stay experience with us and providing us with your valuable comments and suggestions! We have made improvements in time. We failed to leave you with perfect memories this time. We look forward to making it up next time (give us a chance!) We are working hard and look forward to your witnessing! wish all the best!
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Deluxe Suite
27 review
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客: 您好!非常感謝您與我們分享了您的入住感受並給我們的工作提出了寶貴的意見和建議!我們已經及時作出改進,此次沒能給您留下完美回憶,期待下次能夠全都補上 (要給機會呀!)我們在努力,期待您見證!祝:一切順利!
Anonymous User
Queen Room
Business travelers
3 review
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超級滿意 前台小姐姐服務不錯 房間乾淨衞生 光線不錯 早餐種類蠻多 可以自主選擇 還有地下室免費停車場 很方便 下次優先選擇貴酒店 😍
Response from Property: [免費停車場)尊敬的顧客您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店的支持,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也很榮幸能為你提供最優質的服務。非常歡迎您無論商務出差或是旅行再次選擇我們酒店!真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Anonymous User
2-bed Room
Solo travelers
6 review
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邂逅極致,五星尊榮——開元頤居的夢幻之旅 在漫漫旅途之中,能尋得一處宛如世外桃源般的棲息之所,是每一位旅人的渴望。而此次,我有幸邂逅了[酒店名稱],它以無可挑剔的卓越品質,為我打造了一段畢生難忘的住宿體驗,實至名歸地榮獲我心中的五星讚譽。 踏入酒店的那一刻,我便被其恢宏大氣又不失典雅的大堂所震撼。華麗的水晶吊燈灑下柔和的光芒,大理石地面光潔如鏡,倒映着精美的裝飾與來往賓客的身影。空氣中瀰漫著淡雅而獨特的香氛,彷彿是酒店無聲卻又極具感染力的歡迎致辭,瞬間舒緩了我旅途的疲憊。 前台工作人員的熱情接待,更是讓我如沐春風。他們臉上洋溢着真誠的微笑,眼神中滿是關切,辦理入住手續時動作嫻熟且高效,還貼心地為我介紹酒店的各項設施與服務,讓人倍感温暖。 當我推開客房的門,眼前的一切宛如一幅精心繪製的畫卷。房間佈置精緻優雅,每一處細節都彰顯着高端與品質。床鋪柔軟舒適,潔白的床單被罩散發著淡淡的清香,彷彿在輕聲召喚我投入它的懷抱。窗邊的休閑區域擺放着舒適的沙發與茶几,憑窗而望,城市的繁華或靜謐的自然景色盡收眼底,為這一方小天地增添了幾分愜意。 浴室同樣令人驚艷,乾濕分離的設計貼心實用。洗漱台上擺放着的高品質洗漱用品,散發著迷人的香氣,不僅滿足了日常所需,更帶來了一種奢華的享受。熱帶雨林式的花灑,水流均勻且力度適中,彷彿一場温柔的雨幕,洗去了身上的塵埃與疲憊。 酒店的餐飲更是一場味蕾的盛宴。早餐種類豐富多樣,從精緻的西式糕點到地道的中式美食,應有盡有。每一道菜品都製作精良,新鮮可口。餐廳的服務人員熱情周到,總能在恰當的時機為客人提供所需,讓人在享受美食的同時,也感受到無微不至的關懷。而酒店的特色餐廳,無論是食材的選擇還是烹飪的手法,都堪稱一絕。每一道菜餚都猶如一件藝術品,色香味俱全,讓人回味無窮。 除了舒適的住宿與美味的餐飲,酒店的設施與服務也堪稱一流。健身房內器材齊全且嶄新,無論是有氧運動還是力量訓練,都能滿足客人的需求。游泳池水質清澈,周圍環境優美,暢遊其中,彷彿置身於一個寧靜的水上樂園。而酒店的 SPA 中心更是放鬆身心的絕佳去處,專業的按摩師手法嫻熟,通過各種舒緩的按摩技巧,讓身體的每一個細胞都得到了徹底的放鬆。 然而,真正讓這家酒店脱穎而出的,是其工作人員始終如一的貼心服務。無論是清晨在走廊相遇時的微笑問候,還是在需要幫助時他們那迅速且專業的響應,都讓我深切感受到了被重視、被關懷。他們彷彿能洞察客人的每一個需求,總是在不經意間給予恰到好處的幫助,讓我在這個陌生的城市裡,感受到了家一般的温暖與安心。 無疑是酒店行業中的一顆璀璨明珠。它以卓越的硬件設施、精緻的餐飲服務、一流的休閑設施以及無微不至的貼心關懷,為客人打造了一個無與倫比的住宿體驗。在這裏,每一刻都充滿了驚喜與感動,每一個細節都彰顯着對品質與服務的執着追求。我堅信,無論是商務出行還是休閑度假,[酒店名稱]都將是每一位旅人最理想的選擇。期待下一次的重逢,再次領略它的獨特魅力。
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客:感謝您對開元頤居酒店的喜愛和認同。開元頤居酒店一直專注為賓客打造舒適便捷的商旅體驗,希望我們能為您的旅程增添喜悦和感動。
Guest User
2-bed Room
Business travelers
1 review
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客:感謝您對開元頤居酒店的喜愛和認同。開元頤居酒店一直專注為賓客打造舒適便捷的商旅體驗,希望我們能為您的旅程增添喜悦和感動。
Queen Room
Travel with friends
4 review
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當然可以!以下是一段酒店入住的點評模板,您可以根據實際情況進行調整: --- 這次入住的酒店體驗非常滿意!酒店地理位置優越,交通便利,周邊餐飲和購物選擇豐富,出行非常方便。大堂裝修豪華,服務人員熱情周到,辦理入住手續迅速,給人留下了很好的第一印象。房間寬敞整潔,裝修風格現代簡約,床品柔軟舒適,浴室乾淨明亮,熱水充足,洗漱用品也很齊全。設施維護得很好,適合放鬆身心。,但整體影響不大。總之,這是一次愉快的入住體驗,性價比很高,推薦給來此旅行的朋友們!
Response from Property: (會員可延遲退房)尊敬的賓客:您好!您每一次的選擇是我們的無尚榮幸,您對我們始終如一的支持讓我們倍感欣喜。期待與您的再次相聚!
Anonymous User
Queen Room
Business travelers
1 review
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客:您好!最好的廣告是客人口口相傳的推薦,非常榮幸我們的服務能得到您的認可。期待着您的下次入住
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Queen Room
Business travelers
1 review
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Response from Property: 尊敬的賓客:感謝您對開元頤居酒店的喜愛和認同。開元頤居酒店一直專注為賓客打造舒適便捷的商旅體驗,希望我們能為您的旅程增添喜悦和感動。
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