Guest User
February 18, 2025
"Dated" is an interesting word that might mean different things to different people. But to the frequent traveler it simply means - "old" and "worn out". Such is the place that the once staple of Telluride Mountain Village hotels - The Fairmont Franz Klammer - finds itself in 2025. While it's had plans for renovations for some years, none have come to fruition. Meanwhile, the thin doors - which loudly trumpet the many children running down the halls - and worn decor and musty and mildew smells just keep reminding you that this place is in desperate need of a face lift if not total and complete tear down. That's not to say that its location and proximity to amazing skiing isn't the best in Telluride. It is. Also, the staff and management seem to be trying their best to make good out of a difficult, if not, insurmoutable situation. With the Madeline next door under constant renovation while consistently raising prices and the new Four Seasons on the way - the Franz hasn't much more time to waste...