Guest User
June 29, 2022
The customer service is a WhatsApp message where they ask you for a (should be 300) deposit but on this occasion it will be £100 they said. For a start the place is really difficult to find, I called the number I had for them and the person on the phone refused to give me clear directions, so we ended up asking people on the street (nobody had heard of it). We managed to find what looked like a derelict Victorian looking house. The place was a mess and absolutely stank of ****. We then got contacted by someone who offered us another room but we were in a rush to see Elton John so not really bothered at that point. We then left in the morning (still alive thank god) and thought no more about it really, that is until now when I am asking for my deposit back and I am being ignored, they keep saying that they néed to ask their 'finance department' believe me this 'business' does not have a finance department. What they are doing here is waiting for people to leave positive reviews before refunding your deposit. I do not know how *********** are allowing these people to trade on their website as this is an absolute scam just like everyone else is saying in the comments. To be fair if my deposit was returned as it should have been then I would've just kicked myself for not paying enough attention to the reviews as I am not one to complain usually, but, please avoid these people as this is not right at all