The staff was overworked and so difficult to find when needed. It took 15 minutes to find the actual hotel because they closed its primary entrance and redirected entry through one of its partner hotels. After walking around and around and being ignored by a number of the staff, we then had to wait for over 40 minutes for someone to appear at reception to check in. To be fair, once the staff did show up, there were several nice individuals, but I think they were extremely overworked. Because it was so late we opted to eat in one of their restaurants and had the same issue, waiting almost 40 minutes to order and then even longer for the meal to be served. When finally we checked in, to get to the room, one had take our bags we had just brought up back down the stairs, leave the building, mount a second larger stair, walk around the back of the building, go down two flights of stairs, enter another door and then up two more flights of very narrow, circular stairs with all our bags. We were offered no help from the staff. I'm pretty sturdy but still, this was a lot of work. If you're older, I'd say this is just not possible. When we got to the room, it was very tight. I like small spaces, but this was extreme, especially for the price. For my wife to get to the bathroom at night, it was impossible to do without bumping into me and waking me up. The seagulls roosting on the roof right outside the window were insane and did not stop squalling until 2-3 in the morning, and then up again around 5 in the morning. I could have tolerated some of this, but for the price, it was just too much. St. Michel is a spectacular place but so thick with tourists it becomes almost impossible to appreciate. The food is horrible everywhere and one can tell everyone who works there is just tired of dealing with tourists. I would not recommend staying on the island at all, but for anyone who really wants to give it a go I would say so not even think of staying more than 1 day.
106 Reviews