December 13, 2024
On October 23, 2024, I accidentally left an expensive jacket in the breakfast area after dining. The next morning (October 24), I promptly spoke to the hotel staff and confirmed the exact location where it was left, as well as the jacket’s color and brand. All details matched perfectly. Since our team had exclusive access to the breakfast area during our stay, it was impossible for an outsider to have taken it. To my shock, the staff informed me that the jacket had already been picked up and placed in a staff-only area. However, the following day, they suddenly claimed it was “missing.” Despite multiple attempts to communicate with the reception and the general manager, they refused to provide meaningful assistance, offered excuses, and delayed my efforts to recover the jacket. Although they initially promised to mail it to me if found, I have received no updates or contact from them since. When I followed up via phone, they deflected responsibility, absurdly suggesting that if their staff didn’t retain the jacket, it wasn’t their fault. What’s even more outrageous is that the hotel staff admitted to having initially collected the jacket but somehow "lost" it while it was under their care. This is no longer a simple mistake—it is outright theft. The hotel management’s refusal to take accountability and their dismissive attitude amount to a blatant cover-up of this crime. This experience has left me furious and deeply disappointed. Their behavior not only violated a guest’s trust but also showcased their complete lack of professional ethics and integrity. I strongly advise anyone considering this hotel to think twice. Do not stay in a place that lacks basic decency, responsibility, and honesty! 2024年10月23日,我在早餐廳用餐時不慎將一件昂貴的夾克遺落在餐廳中。次日早上(10月24日),我立即與酒店工作人員確認了夾克遺失的具體位置、衣服的顏色和品牌,所有訊息完全匹配。由於我們團隊入住期間,該餐廳是一個僅供我們團隊進入的封閉空間,外人不可能進入,因此丟失的可能性非常有限。 讓我震驚的是,店員告訴我,這件夾克已被放置在僅員工可以進入的空間中。然而,第二天他們卻突然表示衣服“找不到了”。在與前台和總經理溝通後,他們並未表現出任何協助解決問題的誠意,而是推脱責任、敷衍了事,並且拖延我尋找夾克的時間。即便他們承諾找到夾克後會郵寄給我,卻至今未與我聯繫。在我主動回電詢問時,他們竟然聲稱這不是他們的責任,並試圖用“員工未保留物品”為藉口推卸責任。 更為惡劣的是,這家酒店已經明確表示夾克是被他們的員工收起的,然而夾克在員工的保管期間失蹤了。這已不再是簡單的失誤,而是一起明目張膽的盜竊行為,而酒店管理層的包庇和冷漠更是對犯罪行為的縱容! 這樣的經歷讓我對這家酒店感到無比憤怒和失望。他們的行為不僅嚴重損害了顧客的利益,也讓人對他們的職業操守和誠信徹底失去信任。我強烈建議所有潛在顧客三思而後行,千萬不要選擇這樣一家沒有責任感、道德感和基本誠信的酒店!