The hotel is in total deconstruction! The cadres are barely absent from the second floor! This is just a gap and layer of paintings of the past. Let's do the internet there is no connection from the start after I have been trying again but the signal is so weak that my teleconference call is at the dust, that it experiences unpleasant, The hotel is not very good, it is not very good. The doors do not sweep, so my two-year-old daughter can escape any time during the night and the furniture is all fixed to the walls so the only furniture I can put before the door are a few chairs she can move. However, I reserved for an adult and a child. To make this much worse, at 10PM, after I took my bath and I was installed with my two-year-old child the front desk calls me to tell me that he called a trailer because my car overshoots the white line in the parking. Therefore, a mother and her child must be left out of a hotel room that doesn't get to the bar, cross a completely decreased corridor face a front desk that has had the kindness to call a trailer at ten hours of the evening, 3 hours after their arrival. And that they move the car 10 cm before returning to the worst hotel around the world where the worm is held that all this is normal for a Tuesday, they go down the corridor that doesn't look at anything and they go into a The hotel is a hotel that doesn't get rid of it. At 10 a.m.! If you think I would recommend this hotel to anyone you're wrong. I'd like to sleep in my car, vertically. I'll probably have to sleep in a chair in any way to make sure my child can't escape. I would really give them only one star for the creativity they exercise to make their clients chi3. I'll never stay here a second time. I don't even want to stay here tonight. There is no point anyway because I can't lock the door. I hate! and I've never seen a hotel employee behave like that! Go anywhere else. Find a field, you'll be better served and sleep in peace. PS: this was written on my cellular package because there was no connection to the Internet in my room.
110 Reviews