March 14, 2022
I made reservations for a stay at the Red Shoes RV Park at the Coushatta ******, which we had stayed at and enjoyed many times in the past. Our reservation was from January 10, 2022, thru January 16, 2022. Upon arrival we checked in, made our $50.00 deposit via credit card and was issued our site number. We set up, ate a snack cleaned up and went to the ******. We had a great time as always. Tuesday morning, we received an unexpected phone call concerning our Special Needs Daughter. She had a seizure and fell face first and hit the floor. She was brought to one of the local hospitals in Alexandria Louisiana. We started packing up and prepared for our trip back home. We both being 72 yoa took longer than it used to. We stopped at the office and explained our situation and reason for leaving early (We really did not want to leave but family first.) I honestly did not pay attention to the time, but we were there less than 24 hours. We made it home safely and I continued to unload, and my wife packed to go to be with our daughter at the hospital. My wife called and told me that our daughter had a fractured bone in her nasal cavity, two black eyes and two abrasions on her nose. Her hospital stay lasted till Thursday. I have a routine of checking our gas cards and charge cards, when I noticed a charge to our account on January 12, 2022 in the amount of $62.06 from CCR RV Resort, Kinder Louisiana. Before I made the reservations I had checked the daily prices and they were $29.99 a night except Friday and Saturday. this indicated we were charged for two nights. I called to make an inquiry of the charges and the man that I talked to told me he would make a note and leave it on the managers desk. I waited for over a week but did not get any response. I called again explained my reason for calling and the lady I talked to said she would also leave a note for the manager. I finally received a phone from a representative of the Red Shoes RV park. I was asked the problem and explained the family emergency we had and that we had left on Tuesday and was charged for two days. She looked up our stay and she told me that we had checked out on Wednesday which I told her was incorrect that we left on Tuesday and had stayed less than 24 hours. She told me she would talk to the manager and call me back. To date I have not heard anything back. Now I don't want anyone to think I am trying to cheat anyone out of anything, especially a place that we have stayed in the past and intended on staying in the future but if I can't get the manager to call me back to discuss my issue with me. Oh well there are other Casinos that appreciate us staying and especially one we just stayed at for a week. Sorry for the way we feel but it was the situation we were in.