How do you say it! It's very far, far away. I changed trains from the train station twice to get there. It took me more than 3 hours. In the end, I was slaughtered for hundreds of baht by the old man Sanbengzi. Because the road to the resort is not the prescribed route he runs, there is an extra charge, damn. Okay, but fortunately, the resort is large and ”fun”. If it is not for the old water facilities of the playground, it is really good value. It's a pity that the water in the playground is so acidified that it almost poisoned me. At first I thought it was disinfectant water. Forget it, maybe it's new water now. Nevertheless, it is also very fun here. This is this very large manor, with gardens, lawns, lotus flowers, artificial lakes, farms, zoos, playgrounds, tractors, crocodiles, parrots and a bunch of others. The chicken and the others live together. There is a boat for free to play, but I don’t know which one of the young guys pulled a pile of shit in the boat, ****, don’t be a domestic guest, or you will be too embarrassed. Of course, it may be pulled by the ”wild dog”, there are also fun draw bridges, and there are free fish spas. There are many ponds, you can lie down and enter and let the fish eat. You can only eat here, because it's not worth it to go out too far, and the travel expenses are more expensive than meals. Of course, it’s also close to the seaside. If you don’t have time to rent a car to play, it’s also close to Koh Samui. Let’s talk about eating. The store’s cooking is really good. It’s a little expensive, but when you eat it, you will have a lot of milk and juice for breakfast. The waiter is very beautiful, probably the boss’s daughter. Looking at that mouthful of orthodontic teeth, it’s not something ordinary Thais can afford. The boss is a bit like a Chinese, and his English is very slippery. The proprietress was very enthusiastic and drove us to the market bus station in a luxury car, which was simply beautiful. Finally, I warmly recommend that everyone is not afraid to live here! Of course, there is another point that the resort has its own independent swimming pool, which is very suitable for family pavilions or couples. The water quality is first-rate. Pro-test. But there may be some steps in the room here. If you don’t turn on the light to go to the bathroom at night, be careful, you will throw shit. Everything else is fine. Ah, there are big spiders in the tropics that will flow into the house, be careful, it's really big, so hairy, big legs, big eyes, green light at night, almost scared me to death. Just hide in the closet. The signal in the deep mountains and old forest here is not good, only the front desk has wifi, even if you bring your own, it is useless. The boss has a black cat casually licking it, which is very clingy.
65 Reviews