What is the cancellation policy for Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch)?
The cancellation policy for Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) varies depending on the type of room and booking conditions.
What are the check-in and check-out times at Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch)?
Standard check-in time at Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) is 14:00 and check-out time is 13:30.
What amenities and services are available at Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) ?
Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) offer top amenities and services include Sauna, Spa, Parking.
Does Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) provide breakfast?
No, Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) doesn't provide breakfast.
Can I bring my pet inside the Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch)?
As much as we love pets, unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate them in Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch).
Is there a restaurant at Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch)?
Yes, Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) offers on-site dining. You can enjoy a variety of Chinese dishes, all prepared with carefully selected, high-quality ingredients.
Is airport shuttle service offered by Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) ?
No, the Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) doesn't offer airport transfer services.
Can I smoke in Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch)?
No. Bosen Meiju Hotel (Jinhua Building Branch) is a 100% non-smoking establishment. We want to offer our customers a healthy environment.