October 1, 2024
내가 머문 숙소는 캐빈이 딸린 44호였는데 바다가 바로 보이는 전망이 좋은 숙소였다. 숙소 내부도 깨끗했으며 9월 말의 추운 날씨에도 실내는 히터가 있어서 훈훈했다. 다만 주방의 가스레인지가 고장인지 작동되지 않아서 식사를 해먹는데 심한 불편을 느꼈다.
The accommodation I stayed in was cabin 44, which had a great view of the ocean. The interior of the accommodation was clean, and even in the cold weather of late September, the room was warm because there was a heater. However, the gas range in the kitchen was broken and did not work, so it was very inconvenient to cook.