November 17, 2024
Not recommended unless you plan to stay in the villa all your trip, as the location is super hard to find, even we tried google map addesss, or typing the villa's name as location, the grab/ gojek driver cannot find the pick up location. Even you wouldn't take grab, you try walking to villa, the road is also terrible, as the villa is located in construction area. The road is also very narrow, got lots of motorcycles, very dangerous. Also the roof of the toilet is kind of plastics materials, when it rains, got a lot of noise when the rains drops fall on the roof. It's like someone is playing a drum and non stop. We booked 2 nights, but decided to check out one night before without requesting refund or something like this, cux it's really terriable, we just wanted to leave ASAP. The instresting thing is when we informed the staff we want to check out earlier, they knew by reservation, we would stay 2 nights, but they didn't ask anything 😂 dunno if this happened before. Even with the very affordable price, we still dont recommend 😂