January 3, 2025
The ease with which to kayak was wonderful for us. The beauty of the porch view also is a compelling reason to visit. I would caution those traveling to rent a truck or 4-wheel vehicle. The roads are dirt and rock, they are unpredictable given the rainfall. Two days of our 7 night stay the hot water was broken so we had cold showers. The restaurant on site was often out of things like: bacon, avocados, mangos, bread, and fruit for smoothies. Our first night was the best. We had a quiet dinner on the water with fish tacos and excellent pineapple waters. Research the ways in and out of the facility. If you get the breakfast that is included, it is a limited menu. Also, we didn't know about the plumbing, but you travel to learn!! Life in the jungle is unpredictable. Also, the massages offered in the website are not someone regular at an on-site spa, something I had assumed given the website. The concierge would need to call a local person to come to the hotel. One night the neighbor to the hotel played his music too loud, but the manager was called to come deal with it. Overall, I might not return, but I have excellent memories and wonderful photos from Bacalar, which is a 15 minute drive away. We left each day to go into town for new restaurants.