The cancellation policy for 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 varies depending on the type of room and booking conditions.
What are the check-in and check-out times at 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿?
Standard check-in time at 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 is 13:00 and check-out time is 13:00.
What amenities and services are available at 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 ?
安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 offer top amenities and services include Parking, Restaurant, Wi-Fi in public areas.
Can I bring my pet inside the 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿?
Pets are allowed on request at 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿. Charges may be applicable.
Is there a restaurant at 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿?
Yes, 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 offers on-site dining. You can enjoy a variety of Asian, BBQ, Chinese, International, Sichuanese dishes, all prepared with carefully selected, high-quality ingredients.
Is airport shuttle service offered by 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 ?
No, the 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 doesn't offer airport transfer services.
Can I smoke in 安岳佛缘东篱下民宿?
安岳佛缘东篱下民宿 provides a smoking area. Please contact the hotel for further information on the smoking policy in public areas and guest rooms.