Urban Dance Workshop with Heather Larkin | Butterfly Bridge

Urban Dance Workshop with Heather Larkin | Butterfly Bridge

Sep 13, 2024 (UTC-6)
Butterfly Bridge


Don't know where to begin to photograph dancers? Jump right in for this two-hour fun location learning experience with SIGMA lenses. Don't know where to begin to photograph dancers? Jump right in for this two hour fun location learning experience with SIGMA lenses and Heather Larkin. Walk with Heather and your ballerina models outside at Butterfly Bridge at dusk as you learn about what lenses she uses when and how she poses dancers. Learn some dance terms so youkan get good results on your own later and how to account for changing light and unique conditions, all with expert help along the way to ensure you get killer images when you're done. Also including Nanlite help with tube lights for our evening portion. *Please be advised that while we strive to ensure easy access for all, due to the naturally varied topography or downtown areas, portions of any location walk may be inaccessible to those with mobility concerns. Information Source: Precision Camera & Video | eventbrite

Provided by AlaricAbels|Published Sep 14, 2024


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